FRNSW report (other) application

An applicant, usually an engineer, consultant, certifier or consent authority, may request Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) to provide a written report on proposed works.

FRNSW can provide advisory, assessment or consultancy services on the statutory fire safety of any development, unless prescribed otherwise (e.g. development subject to a fire safety report under the Environmental Planning and Assessment (Development Certification and Fire Safety) Regulation 2021. FRNSW may provide a report on:

  1. State significant infrastructure (within the meaning of section 5.12 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act)
  2. Crown building work (within the meaning of section 6.28 of the EP&A Act
  3. Other development.

A written report from FRNSW may be required as a condition imposed by the consent or regulatory authority (i.e. mandatory), or the report may also be voluntarily requested by a stakeholder for the proposed works. The following table outlines common situations (e.g. conditions) that may require a report from FRNSW:

Purpose Situation  Who should apply
Certifier condition A condition has been imposed on the certifier by NSW Fair Trading. This includes a certifier whose accreditation was issued in another State or Territory who is operating in NSW under the provisions of the Mutual Recognition Act Any accredited certifier with an applicable condition on their accreditation
Condition of consent A condition has been imposed by the Minister on any State significant infrastructure as per section 5.12 of the EP&A Act, or Crown building work as per section 6.28 of the EP&A Act The certifier for the development
Fire safety study A condition has been imposed by the consent authority to undertake a fire safety study and submit it to FRNSW for approval or acceptance Development proponent or a consultant engaged in fire safety study
Environmental impact statement An environmental impact statement has been issued for public exhibition and FRNSW has been invited to make comment during the exhibition period Consent authority such as NSW Department Planning Infrastructure and Environment or Council
Other A report from FRNSW has otherwise been requested, including voluntarily by a stakeholder acting with the consent of the owner The owner or their representative 



FRNSW written report application  (MS Word, 260 kb docx)

What do I get?

The applicant will receive written report from FRNSW outlining the assessment, determination and recommendations relating to the proposed works.


The charge applicable is $2,600 for each day (or part of a day) spent by the Commissioner or a fire brigade member providing advisory, assessment or consultancy services. There is no charge applicable to local government authorities and consent authorities for this service.

For a full description of the charges applicable including terms, payment options, applying for a waiver or reduction of the charges, please refer to the fees and charges for services page.

Further information

About FRNSW forms

Submitting plans and specifications to FRNSW