
A certifier is any person who is authorised under section 6.5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act) to issue a compliance certificate, construction certificate, occupation certificate or subdivision certificate. The function of these certificates are detailed under section 6.4 of the EP&A Act.  The certifier can be either Council or an accredited certifier, being the holder of a certificate of accreditation as a certifier in regard to the matter which applies.

A certifier may be appointed as the principal certifier for the development if they hold the appropriate accreditation. The principal certifier may only be appointed by the person having the benefit of a development consent or complying development certificate.

Note: An accredited certifier acting in any role other than to certify building or subdivision work is being engaged as a consultant in respect to the development (e.g. accredited certifier giving consultancy advice during fire engineering brief process).

Find an accredited certifier [external link]

Initial fire safety report
When a certifier receives an application for construction certificate (CC) to which Part 3, Division 3 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment (Development Certification and Fire Safety) Regulation 2021 (EP&A Reg.) applies, the certifier must refer certain plans and specifications to Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) within seven (7) days.

Final fire safety report
When the principal certifier receives an application for occupation certificate (OC) for development involving building work with a performance solution for a fire safety requirement in a class 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 building, the principal certifier must request a final fire safety report (FFSR) from FRNSW as soon as practicable after receiving that application.

Fire safety system report 
When the principal certifier receives an application for occupation certificate (OC) for any class 2 or 3 building for building work that involved a relevant fire safety system in the building, the principal certifier must request a fire safety system report (FSSR) from FRNSW as soon as practicable after receiving that application.

Certifier disciplinary condition report
When the certifier has a disciplinary condition imposed upon their accreditation by NSW Fair Trading (or former accreditation bodies such as BPB) that requires written comment from FRNSW, the certifier must request a report from FRNSW.