Submitting plans and specifications to FRNSW

Some Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) services require relevant plans and specifications be submitted for review and assessment when the corresponding application form is submitted.

FRNSW accepts digital files that have been submitted electronically as email attachments. The email and attachments must not be more than 20 mb in size. Embedded images should be compressed where possible. All files should be descriptively named to indicate the subject or content. Drawings and plans should be saved as PDF with relevant drawing layers enabled so that each layer can be switched visible/hidden within Adobe Acrobat or Reader.

When required, the following plans and specifications should be provided for assessment:

  • Site plan
  • Floor plans
  • Elevation plans
  • Section views (as appropriate)
  • Schematics
  • Specifications.

Note: The applicant is responsible for submitting relevant plans and specifications to FRNSW. If the applicant is simply referring plans and specifications they have received (e.g. a certifier referring plans and specifications received with an application for construction certificate), the applicant should verify that relevant plans and specifications they require for determination have been received and are duly referred to FRNSW for assessment. 

General requirements for all plans

  • Appropriately referenced drawing title and drawing number including revision numbers and date
  • Appropriately referenced address, building name, lot number, DP number etc.
  • Appropriately scaled with all measurements provided in metric
  • True north indicator provided
  • Coloured to adequately distinguish various materials to be used and/or distinguish new work from existing
  • Standardised symbols and icons as per Australian Standards AS1100.

Site plan

  • Show aerial view of whole site including location of new and existing buildings relative to site boundaries
  • Primary designated site entry point (DSEP) and alternate site entry points
  • Relative location of buildings and infrastructure on adjoining boundary allotments
  • Primary designated building entry point (DBEP)
  • Location and position of buildings and structures (e.g. fire hydrant booster assembly location, bulk liquid storage tanks)
  • Location of required hardstands, especially serving large-bore suction connection/s 
  • Vehicle access points and car parking areas
  • Internal roadways and driveways providing vehicular access.

Floor plans

  • Show aerial view of each floor’s layout including room arrangement within building
  • Use of each room and internal space
  • Location and size of openings including doors and windows
  • Location of vertical shafts, stairwells and corridors
  • Wall structure type and thickness including fire resistance levels
  • Equipment for fire brigade intervention (e.g. fire hydrants, fire brigade panels, isolation valves, WIPs).

Elevation plans

  • Show elevation of all building sides of new and existing buildings
  • Location and size of openings including doors, windows, ducts, vents etc.
  • Location and position of building structures (e.g. fire hydrant booster assembly location, bulk water storage tanks)
  • Exterior cladding type and roofing material.

Section views (as appropriate)

  • Show a cut through representation of building construction including where they are on the plan (i.e. A/A, B/B etc.)
  • Height of rooms and openings including doors and windows
  • Construction material details.


  • Show fire hydrant system plan and/or fire hydrant schematic detailing the system design
  • Show fire sprinkler system plan and/or fire sprinkler schematic detailing the system design
  • Construction material details.


If not otherwise detailed on the plans and schematics, specifications should be provided detailing:

  • The construction and materials of which the building is to be built
  • Water supply provisions, including statement of available pressure and flow from the water network utility operator
  • Product specification of hose connections fitted (see FRNSW compatible Storz hose connections)
  • Relevant Australian Standards applicable to the proposed work
  • Details of any performance solution and the performance requirements it intends to meet, including details of the assessment methods used to establish compliance.

Note: Details of any performance solution are generally provided within the performance solution report (PSR) which should accompany the application for construction certificate. The PSR is considered a specification detailing the performance solution and is to be attached to the fire safety schedule.