Lodge an emergency plan

Any person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) of a manifest quantity workplace (MQW), major hazard facility (MHF) or licensed explosives site, must provide a copy of their emergency plan to Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW).

Under clause 43 of the Work Health and safety Regulation 2017 (WHS Reg.), an emergency plan is required for all workplaces. The emergency plan details the emergency procedures that apply to staff and occupants of the building, facility or site.

A copy of the emergency plan must be forwarded to FRNSW when the workplace uses, handles or stores:

  • hazardous chemicals exceeding manifest quantities as prescribed in Schedule 11 of the WHS Reg. (clause 361 of WHS Reg.)
  • hazardous chemicals exceeding threshold quantities as prescribed in Schedule 15 of the WHS Reg. or determined under Part 9.2 of the WHS Reg. to be a MHF (clause 557 of WHS Reg.)
  • more than 50kg NEQ of explosives or 50 tonnes of security sensitive dangerous substances (clause 90 of Explosives Regulation 2013).

The emergency plan is to address risks specific to the workplace. If any circumstances for the premises changes, including risks from adjoining properties, the emergency plan is to be revised and the new version implemented and made available to all staff and occupants. A copy of any revised emergency plan is to be re-submitted to FRNSW.

The emergency plan is to also be provided with information specific to the emergency services who will respond to any emergency at the premises.

The lodgement of the Emergency Plan to FRNSW is to include:

  1. An Emergency Plan developed for the site in accordance with the Hazardous Industry Planning Advisory Paper (HIPAP) No.1.

  2. A Hazardous Chemicals Manifest and Manifest Site Plan of the workplace developed in accordance with Schedule 12 of the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 and FRNSW Technical information sheet Hazardous chemicals manifest.

    The information provided should complement and align with the Emergency Plan and Emergency Services Information Package. For examples of a Manifest and Site Plan refer to Appendix D and E of the Notification for Schedule 11 Hazardous Chemicals and Abandoned Tanks.

  3. Relevant and current Safety Data Sheets (SDS), in accordance with Schedule 7 of the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017, for those chemicals exceeding Schedule 11 thresholds.

  4. An Emergency Services Information Package (ESIP) prepared in accordance with FRNSW fire safety guideline – Emergency services information package and tactical fire plans.

Note: The hazardous chemicals manifest and ESIP provides information critical for firefighters commencing operations.

FRNSW will acknowledge receipt of the emergency plan by email. If no acknowledgement email is received within 21 days then please contact (02) 9742 7434 to confirm the emergency plan was received. FRNSW may also review the emergency plan at any time and provide recommendations on the content of the plan, which if provided, must be incorporated into the emergency plan. Any revised emergency plan must be re-submitted to FRNSW.

Note: FRNSW will only make recommendations when the emergency plan does not adequately address all specific risks.


Lodgement of emergency plan  (MS Word, 152 kb docx)


ESIP template  (MS Word, 32.2 kb docx)


There is no charge applicable to lodge an emergency plan.

Further information

SafeWork NSW – hazardous chemicals notifications website  [external link]

SafeWork NSW Code of Practice – Managing the work environment and facilities  [external link]

Technical information sheet – Hazardous chemicals manifest

Guideline - Emergency services information package and tactical fire plans

About FRNSW forms