Investigation Sites

FRNSW is conducting environmental investigations at the following sites:

The investigations are being undertaken by an experienced environmental services provider and in accordance with the National Environment Protection (Assessment of Site Contamination) Measure (NEPM) guidelines.

Environmental investigations include:

  • sampling soil, surface water and groundwater on and off the site to identify the potential for exposure to PFOS/PFOA in the vicinity
  • reviewing the historical use, storage and management of aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) to identify sources
  • identifying pathways and receptors for the potential migration of PFAS
  • community and stakeholder engagement, including a water-use survey
  • if required a Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment, which will evaluate risks to the population and ecology, and inform future action to manage and mitigate risks.

Environmental testing takes time and it is important that we work closely with communities while we investigate the possible nature and extent of PFAS.

For further information or enquiries please refer to the contacts page.