Comment on an occupied building

Consent and regulatory authorities, including local Council, water authorities and other Government agencies, may seek Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) comment on any fire safety matter, development condition, compliance issue or Order applying to an existing occupied building.

FRNSW can provide comment to consent and regulatory authorities on given matters for existing buildings that are occupied. However, it should be noted that final assessment is to be made by the relevant authority responsible for determining the matter, especially in relation to any imposed condition or Development Control Order (i.e. fire safety upgrade) made on the existing building.

In some instances FRNSW may conduct an inspection of the premises under Section 9.32 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, and provide an assessment subject to the outcomes of the inspection.

Note: A minimum of two FRNSW Officers will conduct any inspection undertaken.


Comment on an occupied building  (MS Word, Dotm)

What do I get?

The applicant will receive written correspondence from FRNSW outlining their assessment and recommendations for the building.


There is no charge applicable to the consent and regulatory authority seeking comment on an occupied building.