Fire Prevention Strategy

The NSW Police Force, Fire and Rescue NSW and the NSW Rural Fire Service have identified a need to develop preventative measures to reduce the risk of fire and arson to the community. Fires put lives and homes at risk and have financial implications to our community. The NSW Police Force, Fire and Rescue NSW and the NSW Rural Fire Service by working together have developed a fire prevention strategy to help make the community safer.

When a fire is deliberately lit, it is known as arson. There are many different motives for arson. A structure may be set on fire by persons to cover criminal activity or for other reasons. Arson does have devastating financial and emotional effects on a business, school and the community at large.

Arson attacks usually occur at nights or on weekends when schools, businesses and buildings are empty. The occurrence of arson can be reduced and its effects controlled if you identify potential threats and take action to reduce the risks. You can carry out an arson risk assessment on your business, school or place of work. We strongly encourage you to consider arson as part of your business risk assessment program, and to integrate arson risk reduction strategies with your risk management plan.

This fire prevention strategy toolkit is designed to help all those involved in fire prevention and community safety to work as effectively as possible. This toolkit brings together information on fire prevention and reducing the risks of arson. It includes tools for identifying problems, developing responses and implementingtreatments to ensure the community is a safer place.

Toolkit download

Fire Prevention Strategy Toolkit (PDF, 366KB)