Portable fire extinguisher information for business


With proper use a portable fire extinguisher will be able to reduce or eliminate the degree of injury, damage and cost to business in the event of a small fire.

  • If you are considering making changes to your building’s scheduled fire safety measures, enforceable by law, you must seek council approval before making such changes. Contact your local council’s Fire Safety Officer for further information.
  • If portable fire extinguishers are installed in your building they are required to be maintained in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000, to ensure they are fully operational in the instance of a fire.
  • Each extinguisher shall be located in conspicuous, readily accessible location. Fire and Rescue NSW recommends that a surrounding clearance of a minimum of 1000mm be maintained around each extinguisher.
  • Extinguishers must be thermally protected IF installed in locations where the temperature is outside the range of 5C to 50C.
  • Each extinguisher shall be supported by an appropriate support fitting or bracket, or placed in a cabinet or enclosure with the front of the extinguisher facing outwards.
  • Distribution of extinguishers in buildings shall be in accordance with the hazard present in the area to be protected rather than size of the area. (See table on page 2 of this fact sheet.)

Portable fire extinguishers location, mounting and display

Extinguisher mounting heights

  • Max - 1200mm from floor to top of extinguisher handle
  • Min - 100mm from floor to bottom of extinguisher

Location and display of sign

  • Min - 2000mm above floor level.
  • At a point that makes them most apparent to a person of average height and visual acuity.
  • The extinguisher or extinguisher sign shall be clearly visible for up to 20 metres on approach.
  • The size of the sign shall be determined by location on and distance at which the sign must be legible.
  • A minimum of one sign must be provided above or adjacent to an extinguisher even if indicating the location of multiple or a mixed group of extinguishers.
  • The extinguisher and fire point location signs shall have a symbol, border and letters in white on a red field, complying with Australian Standard (AS) 2700.
  • The Australian Standard (AS) 2444 Portable Fire Extinguishers and Fire Blankets selection and location will provide comprehensive and specific information.
Below is a basic chart showing which fire extinguisher to use each type of fire.
Class of Fire Example of Fire Extinguishing medium to be considered

Clothing fire

  • Pyjamas, shirt, pants
  • Water
  • Fire Blanket

Small carbonaceous fire

  • Waste paper bin
  • Water
  • Foam
  • ABE powder
  • Wet chemical
  • Vaporising liquid
  • Carbon dioxide (limited)

Large carbonaceous fire

  • Pallet of cardboard
  • Water
  • Foam
  • ABE powder

Petroleum based liquids

  • Petrol
  • oil
  • grease
  • turps
  • BE and ABE powder
  • Foam
  • Vaporising liquid (limited)
  • Carbon dioxide

Polar Solvents

  • Cleaning spirits
  • Alcohols
  • BE and ABE powder
  • Alcohol resisting foam
  • Vaporising liquid (limited)
  • Carbon dioxide (limited)

Gas fires

  • BBQ gas
  • LPG
  • Natural Gas
  • Acetylene
  • BE and ABE powder
  • NOTE- Gas fires are not to be extinguished unless the gas supply has been shut down first!

Metal Fires

  • Metal shavings
  • Special powder

Fires involving energised electrical equipment

  • Fuse box
  • Computer equipment
  • BE and ABE powder
  • Carbon dioxide
  • Vaporising liquid

Cooking oils and fats

  • Dripping
  • Butter
  • Olive oil
  • Wet chemical
  • BE powder
  • Fire Blanket
  • Foam (limited)
  • Carbon dioxide (limited)