Our identity

While we have refreshed our brand, we have not changed our name. In fact, we have given it more meaning by swapping the ‘&’ for a ‘+’ symbol. Our PLUS represents all the things that we do beyond fire and rescue.

When we write our name in full, the word ‘and’ should be used between ‘Fire and Rescue NSW’. We reserve our plus for our logo or as a graphic device in short, large headlines for maximum impact.

Fire and Rescue NSW Logo

The FRNSW emblem is embodied within our logo. The emblem includes the NSW State emblem with the State motto, 'Orta Recens Quam Pura Nites'. This is Latin for, 'Newly Risen How Brightly We Shine'.

Requests to use our logo

FRNSW's Media, Communications and Engagement Team must be consulted on any request to use the logo on external publications or products. Contact the team via email at brand@fire.nsw.gov.au.

Our name history

On 1 January 2011 the NSW Fire Brigades changed its name to Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW).

The new name more accurately reflects the wider scope of services offered to the community. It proudly symbolises and supports the organisation’s vision for the future.