Fixed suction connection for below-ground water supply

FRNSW require the design of any large bore (i.e. 150 mm) fixed suction connection to satisfy Clause 4.4 of AS 2419.1:2021. Reference should also be made to the informative section K.5 in Appendix K of AS 2419.1:2021 to achieve the requirements and the interrelationships between them.

Note: These requirements are dictated by the ability to prime air from the fixed suction pipework and connected suction hoses during draughting operations.

The maximum volume of dry pipe between the lowest water level and suction connection outlet must not exceed 0.07 m3. This equates to a maximum length of 3.96 m of DN 150 pipework.

FRNSW also requires the fixed suction connection to always be accessible. Reference should be made to FRNSW position Large-bore suction connections.

Position statement summary

Updated: 30th August 2024