Fire safety study (FSS) process

When a Fire Safety Study (FSS) is imposed as a Condition of Consent under Chapter 3 of the State Environmental Planning Policy (Resilience and Hazards) 2021, the FSS must be done to the approval or prepared to the satisfaction of FRNSW prior to the final design so that FRNSW recommendations can be included into the design that is to be determined for a construction certificate.

If the proposed hazardous development subject to a FSS includes a building having a performance-based design, the FSS study should be undertaken prior to seeking consultation on the performance-based design brief (PBDB) so that FRNSW recommendations are adopted into the performance solution being proposed.

The FSS must be prepared in accordance with Hazardous Industry Planning Advisory Paper No 2 (HIPAP2).

Note: HIPAP2 states “the principle of a fire safety study is that the fire safety system should be based on specific analysis of hazards and consequences and that elements of the proposed or existing system should be tested against that analysis.” The FSS will likely recommend fire safety measures that are additional and above minimum NCC and relevant Standards requirements.

Refer to Fire safety study (FSS) process for further information.

Position statement summary

Updated: 14th June 2024