Safety Visits

“Thanks to early warning from a working smoke alarm this young family escaped safely. The toddlers room was located next to the origin of the fire and was quickly engulfed by flames. Without the smoke alarm it could have been a very different story.”
- Firefighter Kate Faith

What is a Safety Visit?

During your Safety Visit, we will attend your home and check that you have working smoke alarms, that they are in good working condition, and are installed in suitable areas. If you do not have one, firefighters will install a long-life battery-powered smoke alarm as well as replace existing smoke alarm batteries all at no cost. With your permission, firefighters will also ask you to show us around your home and property. This will allow us to give you personalised fire safety advice.

Who might benefit from a Safety Visit?

Everyone can benefit from a Safety Visit, however there are people within our communities that are statistically at higher risk of incidents occurring, including:

  • Over 65’s.
  • Those who live alone.
  • People with limited mobility, hearing impairments or vision impairments.
  • Residents who are supported by carers, family and friends.
  • And anyone with English as a second language.

This service is not available to landlords in untenanted premises, for landlords responsibilities please refer to Division 7A of Part 9 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 [external link] for more information.


Safety Visits will be conducted in line with ongoing health requirements to ensure the safety of firefighters and the community. Please discuss any special health requirements with your local station prior to booking a safety visit. Our firefighters can ensure COVID-19 safety measures such as masks and physical distancing are used during safety visits.

Firefighters checking a smoke alarm during a safety visit.

Request a Safety Visit

You can request a Safety Visit by entering your residential address below and selecting the correct address from the drop-down. You will then be able to answer a few questions that will help us, help you. Can't fill out the form or need assistance? Find and call your local fire station here.


Do you have at least one working smoke alarm on each floor of your home?

Yes No

Check your smoke alarm(s)

The risk of a fatality in a home fire is halved if there is a working smoke alarm. Make sure your smoke alarms are working by checking them every month.

  • Did you know that you will not smell smoke while asleep? Only working smoke alarms save lives. Learn about smoke alarms here.
  • Next

    Install smoke alarm(s) now!

    The risk of a fatality in a home fire is halved if there is a working smoke alarm.

  • Did you know that you will not smell smoke while asleep? Only working smoke alarms save lives. Learn about smoke alarms here.
  • Next

    Are you a renter, landlord or owner?



    Owner occupier


    From 23 March 2020, NSW landlords and agents need to ensure that smoke alarms installed in rented properties are in working order.

    Where a smoke alarm is not in working order, landlords and agents must ensure the alarm is repaired (this includes replacing a battery) within 2 business days.

    Landlords and agents must check smoke alarms every year to ensure they are working.

    Click here for further information about the law.


    Are you a resident in public housing?



    Public housing

    From 23 March 2020, NSW landlords and agents need to ensure that smoke alarms installed in rented properties are in working order.

    Test your smoke alarm batteries every month by pressing and holding the test button for at least five seconds until you hear the beeps.

    You can still receive a Safety Visit by clicking next below.

  • NSW landlords and agents need to ensure that smoke alarms installed in rented properties are in working order.
  • Test your smoke alarm batteries every month by pressing and holding the test button for at least five seconds until you hear the beeps.
  • Next


    From 23 March 2020, NSW landlords and agents need to ensure that smoke alarms installed in rented properties are in working order.

    Test your smoke alarm batteries every month by pressing and holding the test button for at least five seconds until you hear the beeps.

    You can still receive a Safety Visit by clicking next.


    Does anyone in the household have a disability?

    This includes anything that may reduce mobility or awareness if there is a fire.

    Yes No

    Escape plans and smoke alarms

    It is important to develop an escape plan that is practical and addresses any limitations people might have in terms of their movement and ability to escape quickly.

    It only takes four minutes for a fire to take hold in your home. If your smoke alarm sounds, use your Home Fire Escape Plan to get out, stay out and call Triple Zero (000)

    There are specialised smoke alarms available for people who are deaf or hard of hearing.

  • Remember to consider the special needs of children, the elderly or the disabled when developing your escape plan. Click here to learn more about escape plans.
  • There are specialised smoke alarms available for people who are deaf or hard of hearing. Click here to learn more.
  • Next

    Do you live with any children?

    Yes No

    Escape plans

    It only takes four minutes for a fire to take hold in your home. If your smoke alarm sounds, use your Home Fire Escape Plan to get out, stay out and call Triple Zero (000)

  • If there is a fire in your home, do not wait, EVERY SECOND COUNTS, GET OUT and STAY OUT and then call Triple Zero (000). Never go back inside a burning building. Click here to learn more about escape plans.
  • Practise your escape plan regularly with the whole household including pets. Your letter box is a great place to wait for firefighters arrival.
  • Turn pot handles inwards. Pot handles hanging over the edge of the stove can be easily knocked or grabbed by children.
  • Our Brigade Kids web site is jammed pack full of fire safety material, games, activities for kids. Visit the site at
  • Next

    Is anyone over 65 years living in the household?

    Yes No

    Seniors fire safety

    Nearly 50% of house fire fatalities are aged 65 years and over.

    Don't fight the fire - get out and stay out and dial Triple Zero (000) immediately. Never assume that somebody else has done so.

  • Don't fight the fire - get out and stay out and dial Triple Zero (000) immediately.
  • Wheat bags can help pain, but they also have the potential to cause burns and fire if not used properly.
  • Wheat bags can easily ignite or burn if overheated and need to completely cool on a non-combustible surface before storing. They are only designed to be applied directly to the body and should never be used in bed or while sleeping. View more fire safety tips here.
  • Next

    Does anyone smoke indoors?

    Yes No

    Never smoke in bed

    It's extremely dangerous. Extinguish cigarettes properly before disposal.

    Keep matches and lighters out of reach of children.

  • Never smoke in bed. It's extremely dangerous. Extinguish cigarettes properly before disposal.
  • Keep matches and lighters out of reach of children.
  • Next

    Do you use candles?

    Yes No

    Never leave candles unattended

    Keep candles well away from curtains with open windows and put them out when you leave the room.

    Keep matches and lighters out of reach of children.

    An adult should be present at all times when a candle is being used.

  • Keep candles well away from curtains with open windows and put them out when you leave the room.
  • Keep matches and lighters out of reach of children.
  • An adult should be present at all times when a candle is being used.
  • Next

    Thank you for answering the questions.

    You can request a safety visit by pressing the next button below.

    Please contact your local Rural Fire Service Fire Control Centre [external link] for any assistance.

    If you live near the bush, click here to learn how to plan and prepare for bushfires [external link].

    It is very important that you follow the fire safety advice provided.


    Thank you for answering the questions.

    Your address falls in a NSW Rural Fire Service area.

    It is very important that you follow the fire safety advice provided.

    Please contact your local Rural Fire Service Fire Control Centre [external link] for any further assistance.

    Click here to plan and prepare for bushfires [external link].


    Thank you for answering the questions.

    Please fill out the form below to register your interest.

    Due to operational priorities, we cannot guarantee we will be able to visit you for a Safety Visit but we will endeavour to contact you as soon as possible.

    It is very important that you follow the fire safety advice provided.

    Only available to homes in New South Wales

    Unfortunately, Fire and Rescue NSW Safety Visits are only available to homes in New South Wales, Australia. Please contact your local fire authority for further information and fire safety advice.

    It is very important that you follow the fire safety advice provided.

    Register for a safety visit form

    Enter your details in the form below to register your interest for having a Safety Visit.