Be Fire Safe - Winter 2024 Campaign Kit

Winter is a critical time for fire prevention and education due to the spike in home fires, fire-related fatalities and injuries. We want to reduce these incidents to zero.

Complacency and inaction are the biggest risk factors when it comes to home fire safety. To help combat those behaviours, this year's campaign will focus on the tagline 'Be Fire Safe', supported by supplementary messages.

By using this tag repeatedly, we aim to increase recall and grab the attention of our audience by raising the purpose for taking action.

This campaign kit has been developed to help our stakeholders communicate with their local community about how to be fire safe in the cooler months. It contains assets and resources that can be downloaded and shared.

For convenience and clarity, we have grouped information into themed months:

Extra resources

For any assistance, please contact the FRNSW Media Team

Note: Additional shareable resources will be added throughout the campaign. Please visit this page regularly for updates.

June | Smoke Alarms

This year, on 1 June, we urged the community to take part in the inaugural Smoke Alarm Action Day. Campaign resources for Smoke Alarm Action Day can be found here. Smoke alarms continue to be the theme for June.

Post copy:

Be fire safe this winter - make sure you have a working smoke alarm. The seconds you use to test your smoke alarm could be the seconds that save your life.
Need help? We offer free safety visits:

Social downloads:

July | Escape Plans

Post copy:

When fire takes hold every second counts. In less than 30 seconds a small flame can get completely out of control and turn into a major fire. Be fire safe and discuss and practice your home escape plan with your household.

Social downloads:

August | Kitchen Fire Safety

Post copy:

Be Fire Safe: Never leave cooking unattended. If a fire in your kitchen becomes unmanageable - get out, stay out and call Triple Zero (000).
For more tips on keeping your home safe from fire visit

Social downloads:

All Winter | Lithium-ion Battery Safety

Post copy:

Be Fire Safe: Don't ignore the signs! A damaged or failing Lithium-ion battery can explode, releasing highly toxic fumes. These fires are hard to put out. Never use or charge a damaged battery.
For more info, go to

Social downloads:

Extra resources

NSW Health: Carbon monoxide poisoning

Help spread the word about carbon monoxide poisoning with fact sheets in community languages and social media resources. Resources are available via the NSW Health website here [external link].

Media Releases:


Translated Printouts:

Radio resources:

General: 15 Second Script
Announcer: Fire and Rescue NSW is urging the community to be fire safe this winter - make sure you have a working smoke alarm and an escape plan. Visit for more information.

General: 30 Second Script
Announcer: Fire and Rescue NSW is urging the community to be fire safe this winter and have a working smoke alarm. In less than 30 seconds, a small flame can get completely out of control and turn into a major fire. The seconds you use to test your smoke alarm could be the seconds that save your life. For more information, visit
