Projects and research

Fire and Rescue NSW is committed to keeping the people of NSW fire safe and we continue to conduct research that better informs building code legislation and product standards to improve fire safety.

Fire and Rescue NSW works with many government agencies and research institutions on a variety of key projects and research programs. Below are some of the key projects and research we are involved with.

Current projects

Safety of Alternative and Renewable Energy Technologies (SARET) Research Program

Fire and Rescue NSW is currently leading a collaborative research program on the Safety of Alternative and Renewable Energy Technologies (SARET). Partnering with other fire services, government agencies, research institutions and industry from around the world, the program will look at best practice fire brigade response to lithium-ion battery related fires, end-of-life lithium-ion battery hazard management, electric vehicle fires in structures, and fire propagation in battery energy storage systems. Click here to learn more about the SARET Research Program.

Past projects and resources

Fire and Rescue NSW Fire Hydrant Testing

Mar 2020: FRNSW commissioned Manly Hydraulics Laboratory (MHL) to undertake testing of several configurations of hydrants, standpipes, and fire hoses to gain a greater understanding of the head-losses associated with this equipment, and to assess the minimum residual pressures required at the feed fire hydrant for a flow of 10 litres per second (l/s) being supplied to a pumping appliance. FRNSW have published the report Fire Hydrant Equipment Testing with Manly Hydraulics Laboratory 2017 to supplement the MHL report. View both the MHL report Fire and Rescue NSW Fire Hydrant Testing and the FRNSW report Fire Hydrant Equipment Testing with MHL – 2017 here.  Any use or application of the results in the MHL Report or FRNSW report “Fire Hydrant Equipment Testing with Manly Hydraulics Laboratory 2017”  should be discussed with the Fire Safety Policy Unit in FRNSW to ensure that the appropriate considerations are being made.

Fire research report: Residential sprinklers

Jan 2018: Sprinkler systems have been successfully used to protect lives and property in industrial and commercial buildings for many years. Extensive research conducted by Fire and Rescue NSW confirms fire sprinkler systems also significantly improve the safety of occupants in the event of a fire and should be mandated in all Class 2 and Class 3 residential buildings up to 25 metres in height. View the Residential fire sprinklers report here. 

Fire research report: Smoke alarms in homes

Jan 2018: Extensive research over three years by Fire and Rescue NSW has revealed that the number, the location and interconnection of smoke alarms play a critical role in achieving positive fire safety outcomes. View the Smoke alarms in homes report here.

Fire Research Report Research Tests: Hoarding Fire Behaviour

July 2014: Fire Research Report Research Tests: Hoarding Fire Behaviour In July 2014, Fire and Rescue NSW conducted two ‘build it burn it’ test burns at the CSIRO test research laboratory simulating bedroom fires with differing hoarding levels. The outcomes and findings are available here.

Data Dictionary Project

Aug 2010: The Data Dictionary Project will deliver a nationally consistent system of data collection and reporting for the prevention, preparedness, response and recovery activities of Australian emergency service organisations, primarily urban and rural fire brigades, and state and territory emergency services. Find out more about the Data Dictionary Project here.

Impacts of Natural Disasters and Fire Emergencies Framework Project

June 2010: The Impacts Project will deliver a better understanding of the full social, economic and environmental impacts of natural disasters and fire emergencies. This will help governments, communities and emergency service organisations like ourselves, to decide where to allocate investment to increase community safety and reduce the impacts of emergencies and disaster. Learn about the Impacts of Natural Disasters and Fire Emergencies Framework Project.