Recycling Fire Extinguishers


Steel is one of the world's most recycled products and is 100% recyclable. A 9kg extinguisher contains approximately 3kg of steel when empty. Making steel from recycled materials uses 75% less energy than when producing steel from raw materials.

Halon extinguisher recycling

  • Yellow extinguishers are illegal to possess or use on a fire as they contain emissions that affect the ozone layer.
  • For all yellow BCF/halon extinguishers, please return to your local fire station.
  • These will be sent to the National Halon Bank for appropriate recycling and disposal.
  • Do not use these extinguishers or release their contents into the atmosphere.

Non-halon extinguisher recycling

  • The Department of Environment and Conservation NSW works with local council to provide drop off centres for fire extinguishers. Weekend drop off centres have been organised throughout the Sydney, Hunter and Illawarra regions. See DEC website: [external link] or contact the Environment Line: 131 555.
  • Outside NSW, contact Planet Ark (1300 733 712) [external link]

Fire extinguisher tips

  • Ensure everyone in the home/office knows the location of all extinguishers and how to use them.
  • Extinguishers need to be pressure tested every five years by a registered fire extinguisher service organisation.
  • Check that there are no blockages to the nozzle or outlet.
  • If you have a Dry Chemical Powder fire extinguisher (red with a white band or label). Turn the extinguisher upside down for 10 minutes every six months to ensure that the powder is free flowing.
  • Replace the extinguisher in case of rust.
  • If an extinguisher is discharged, even partially, it needs to be refilled by a registered fire extinguisher service organisation.

In an Emergency Call Triple Zero (000)

A collaboration of Fire and Rescue NSW, NSW Rural Fire Service, ACT Fire Brigade and ACT Rural Fire Service