Film and photo requests

Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) receives many requests to participate in film/television/video/photographic projects, both in an on-camera capacity and as an off-camera 'behind-the-scenes' service. Each request is considered on its merit, having regard to the potential benefits and any effect participation could have on FRNSW response capability.

To streamline your request, a Questionnaire for Filming Agency (Docx) is available as a Word document. Please return your completed questionnaire to the email on the form, along with the relevant pages of script, treatment or script outline. This will provide sufficient information for us to assess your proposal.

If your proposal progresses, we may later require: Evidence of Public Liability cover for minimum $10 million for any single claim A 'Letter of Agreement' - a legal document signed by both parties that sets out conditions for approval of filming proposal and realisation of final product.