The future of fire stations is here! Station 347 Kingscliff

Published: 9th February 2023

A futuristic-looking new fire station to service and protect the state’s far north coast has been formally opened today at Kingscliff.

Our experienced Properties team has worked closely in consultation with firefighters to refine the design and create an impressive site which features dedicated ‘Clean Firefighter’ zones to prevent carcinogen contamination and flexible amenities to reflect FRNSW’s diversifying workforce.

The new $4.7 million two-storey Kingscliff station was built on the existing Marine Parade site on Kingscliff’s popular beachfront, designed to withstand the local saltwater environment and harsh weather while blending in aesthetically with the seaside theme of the area.

The bespoke station boasts a large dual-vehicle engine bay and provides its 18 on-call firefighters with purpose-built facilities and additional space for storage, training and comfortable living areas.

The station’s crew helped save a beautiful memorial bottlebrush tree donated by the Kingscliff Lions Club in honour of one of the founders of the original station, Charlie Gilmont.

The crew kept it alive in a special tree bag while construction went on and were able to carefully replant it down the side of the station.

NSW Emergency Services Minister Steph Cooke was pleased to formally open the project, which spanned three years from concept to completion, having endured the challenges of the building and construction industry during COVID.

“This fire station is a beautiful building that can be expanded upon in the future if the population growth warrants it,” Ms Cooke said.

Under our five year Plus Plan strategy, FRNSW committed to making practical improvements for our people that would positively impact their ability to perform their role. We are a leading the way with world-class systems that better protect our firefighters’ health, including the clean firefighter, clean appliance, clean buildings projects and upgraded amenities that appropriately support the needs of our diversifying workforce.