Daily operational statistics


The scope of these statistics is data that relates to communication flows to and from the FRNSW Communication Centre.

A Communication Centre (ComCen) is a centre which receives emergency calls, dispatches and manages resources and coordinates and actions radio communications.

With reference to the ‘Definitions’ section of this page, the calls included in the published statistics in the downloadable files, are:

  • incoming calls to the FRNSW Communication Centres originating from two external channels: Emergency 000 and NSW Police Rescue Coordinator (RCO)
  • calls from partner agencies for coordinated response purposes, calls from fire stations, hotlines and industry, and
  • Incident Attendance Requests from participant agencies on the ICEMS Network.


The source of these data is the Emergency Services Computer Aided Dispatch (ESCAD) which is FRNSW's computer aided dispatch system. ESCAD is used by Communication Centre Operators to monitor:

  • the availability of resources
  • log details of calls
  • identify the location of calls
  • identify the appropriate resources to expediently dispatch to the location identified
  • and action and log radio communications.

This process results in FRNSW crews and appliances attending incidents according to the information gathered in calls and requests. The incident that confronts FRNSW crews, on arrival, can differ from that described by, for example, a caller to the Communication Centre. To illustrate, the appearance of smoke in a residential area may result in a call, or even several calls to the Communication Centre. On attendance at the reported incident, it may be that the crew finds something that is not harmful, such as a barbeque which is generating smoke.

FRNSW crews record responses to incidents in the Electronic Australasian Incident Reporting System (eAIRS). The type of incident recorded by crews in eAIRS reflects the most serious situation incident that has occurred, as determined by the reporting officer at the scene. For this reason, reports that are based on eAIRS data (such as incident counts published in the FRNSW Annual Report) can vary from ESCAD sourced reports.


All operational statistics are updated daily at 4am with the previous days data.

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REPORT_DATE - Reported date

FIRES_INCDS - Fire related incidents
This can include house fires, building fires, bin fires and other objects or structures though bush and grass fires are recorded separately.

WIRES_DOWN_INCDS - Power lines have fallen down
Wires are damaged and have broken and / or fallen from their correct position, due to weather or another object hitting them. FRNSW will act to make the area safe, typically by exclusion zone.

MEDICAL_INCDS - Medical responses
An incident is classified as medical assistance when a unit is called or utilised to provide emergency life support or first aid in support of, or prior to the arrival of, ambulance or medical services. In addition, FRNSW provides medical response in the form of access to a person requiring medical attention or there is concern for their welfare (e.g., through a locked door), and the movement of patients in support of ambulance crews.

BUSH_AND_GRASS_FIRE_INCDS - Bush and grass fires

HAZARDOUS_MATERIAL_INCDS - Incidents that involve Hazardous materials
Incidents that involve hazardous materials, which is anything that, when produced, stored, moved, used, or otherwise dealt with or without adequate safeguards to prevent it from escaping, may cause injury or death or damage to property. A hazardous material incident is an actual or impending spillage, or other escape, of a hazardous material.

RESCUE_INCDS - Rescue incidents
Rescue incidents include road crash accidents, extrications, lift rescues, in-water and land-based actions taken to enable a person or animal, under threat, to be assisted to safety.

STORM_RELATED_INCDS - Storm related incidents

AUTOMATIC_FIRE_ALARM_INCDS - Automatic Fire Alarm responses

OTHER_INCDS - Other incidents

TOTAL_INCIDENTS - Total incidents

STRIKE_TEAMS_CREATED - Strike teams created
Strike teams created and assigned to respond. Strike Teams are made up of several fire appliances, including their crews and one leader. They are created for large scale incidents including bushfires, floods and storms.

TOTAL_EMERGENCY_ASSISTANCE_REQUESTS - Total Emergency Assistance requests
The total emergency assistance requests are the sum of emergency calls, Automatic Fire Alarm activations and ICEMS requests (Incident Attendance Requests from participant agencies on the ICEMS Network), reflecting total demand on FRNSW. These requests are from all communication channels including digital, automated systems or directly from agencies. However, it does not take into consideration any requests from Industry partners (e.g., energy providers, airports, etc) who are not yet part of the ICEMS-network and would hence raise requests using non-emergency Triple Zero (000) calls.

TOTAL_APPLIANCES_RESPONDED - Total appliances responded

INCDS_WITH_MORE_THAN_6_APPLIANCES - Incidents with more than six appliances despatched by FRNSW.