Contact details

Postal Address
Relief & Welfare Fund
PO Box A830
Sydney South NSW 1235

Office Address
The Fund’s office is located at:
City of Sydney Fire Station
Level 3, 213 Castlereagh Street
Sydney. NSW
Phone: (02) 9265 2772
Mobile: 0488 586 399 8am – 8pm


Note: The office is only opened part time. Please phone ahead for opening hours.

Committee Members

  • President: Roger Mentha
  • Senior Vice President: Michael Peters
  • Junior Vice President: John McGarvey
  • Treasurer: Max Cottingham
  • Assistant Treasurer: Michael Peters
  • Secretary: Mark Black
  • Administration Officer: John McGarvey
  • Holiday Units: Michael Medlin, John McGarvey, Peta Miller, Mark Black, Wayne Young
  • Publicity Officer: Chrissy Strickland
  • Bob Smith: Founding member 
  • Lyndsay Smith
  • Andrew McGarity
  • Cheryl Steer
  • Brendan Cox
  • Michael Jay