Online Privacy

Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) respects the privacy of members of the public who use our services and of our employees and volunteers. As a NSW government agency, FRNSW must comply with the NSW Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 and the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 which regulate the collection, storage, quality, use and disclosure of personal information.

Privacy policies

FRNSW's Privacy Policy gives the framework under which FRNSW manages personal and health information.

The FRNSW Online Privacy Policy is given below.

Online / Website privacy policy

Information that in some way identifies you as an online user of FRNSW's services may be gathered when you email us, or when you interact with our website.


A cookie is a small piece of data that a website can send to your browser (which may then store it on your computer) that is designed to save your preferences or keep track of information you have previously selected. A cookie cannot retrieve any data from your hard drive, pass on computer viruses or capture your email address.

Cookies can be either ‘persistent’ or ‘session’ based. Persistent cookies are stored on your computer, contain an expiration date, and may be used to track your browsing behaviour upon return to the issuing web site. Session cookies are short-lived, are used only during a browsing session, and expire when you quit your browser.

Most browsers are set by default to accept cookies, however you can configure your computer to determine how you would prefer to interact with cookies across the internet. You may wish to set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie, giving you the chance to decide whether or not to allow each cookie on to your hard drive, or to block cookies altogether. However, if you decide to not accept cookies set by this web site, some of FRNSW web pages may not display properly or you may not be permitted to access certain information. You may also set your browser so that the cookies set by this web site are destroyed when your browser shuts down and no personal information is maintained which might identify you should you visit our web site at a later date. In this way, the persistent cookies set by this web site will effectively function as session cookies. There are several techniques available for managing cookies in various browsers. Please see the help section of your browser.

Website analytics

Website visit information

The website makes a record of the user's visits and logs anonymous information for statistical purposes, such as the IP address of the user's computer, the top-level domain name of the user (such as .com or .au), the data and time of the user's visit, what pages on the site were accessed, what search terms were used, etc. This information is only collected for statistical and debugging purposes; that is, the information is only used in order to make the web site function better.

No attempt will be made to identify the user except in the very unlikely event that an investigation is necessary, where a law enforcement agency alone would have the power to inspect the records of the Internet Service Provider to obtain this information.

Google Analytics

The FRNSW website uses Google Analytics, a reporting service provided by Google, Inc. ("Google") and its subsidiaries. Google Analytics uses "cookies" to help us analyse how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the site (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the site, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage.

Google may also transfer this information to third parties, where required to do so by law or where such third parties process the information on Google's behalf. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser. By using this website, you consent to the processing of data about you by Google in the manner described in Google's Privacy Policy [external link] and for the purposes set out above. You can opt out of Google Analytics if you disable or refuse the cookie, disable JavaScript, or use the opt-out service provided by Google [external link].

In addition, this website has implemented Google Analytics' Demographics and Interest Reporting feature. This allows us to collect data relating to the demographics and interests of visitors to the website. We collect such data to analyse how visitors engage with our website and to make improvements. FRNSW will not merge personally identifiable information with non-personally identifiable information collected via Google Analytics tracking code without your consent. Data collected via the Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting feature is stored on Google’s servers and is accessible by Google. You can opt-out of Google Analytics for Display Advertising in [external link] or use the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on [external link].

Web beacons or pixel tags

FRNSW, or a third party engaged by FRNSW, may use web beacons on some pages on this website. A web beacon (also known as a web bug, pixel tag or clear GIF) is a graphic image (usually transparent and 1 pixel x 1 pixel in size) placed on a web page which is used to better understand the usage patterns of visitors to the page.

When the HTML code for the web beacon points to a site to retrieve the image, at the same time it can pass along information such as the IP address of the computer that retrieved the image, the time the web beacon was viewed and for how long, the type of browser that retrieved the image and previously set cookie values. Web beacons do not give any extra information away.

Web beacons work in conjunction with cookies and are usually used to assess the effectiveness of campaigns. This enables FRNSW to improve future campaigns. Reconfiguring the browser's cookie settings, as discussed above, can prevent web beacons from tracking the user's activity. The web beacon may still record an anonymous visit from your IP address, but unique information will not be recorded.

FRNSW also collects non-personally identifiable information through social networking service Facebook Pixel. This allows us to collect data relating to the demographics and interests of visitors to the website. We collect such data to analyse how visitors engage with our website and to make improvements. FRNSW will not merge personally identifiable information with non-personally identifiable information collected via Facebook Pixel tracking code without your consent. Data collected via Facebook Pixel is stored on Facebook's servers and is accessible by Facebook.

Social media

FRNSW also uses interfaces with social media sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and others. If you choose to "like" or "share" information from this website through these services, you should review the privacy policy of that service. If you are a member of a social media site, the interfaces may allow the social media site to connect your visits to this site with other Personal Information.

How do we use the information collected?

To improve the website and the services provided by FRNSW, we will extract and publish aggregated information about usage patterns from these records.

FRNSW will not disclose or publish information that identifies individual machines, or identifies sub-groupings of addresses, without consent or otherwise in accordance with the NSW Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 [external link] and the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 [external link].

What exceptions are there to this rule?

FRNSW will collect, use and disclose more extensive information than stated above in the following circumstances:

  • unauthorised attempts to access files which are not published FRNSW pages
  • unauthorised tampering or interference with files published on the FRNSW website
  • unauthorised attempts to index the contents of the FRNSW website by other websites
  • attempts to intercept messages of other FRNSW website users
  • communications which are defamatory, abusive, vilify individuals or groups or which give rise to a suspicion that an offence is being committed
  • attempts to otherwise compromise the security of the web server, breach the laws of the State of New South Wales or Commonwealth of Australia, or interfere with the enjoyment of the FRNSW website by other users.

FRNSW reserves the right to make disclosures to relevant authorities where the use of the FRNSW website raises a suspicion that an offence is being, or has been, committed.

In the unlikely event of an investigation, FRNSW will provide access to data to any law enforcement agency that may exercise a warrant to inspect our logs.

Email addresses

FRNSW will only record your email address if you send us a message. Your email address will only be used or disclosed for the purpose for which you have provided it and it will not be added to a mailing list or used or disclosed for any other purpose without your consent.

Users are advised that there are inherent risks in transmitting information across the Internet.

Address auto-complete

This section refers to the address auto-complete functionality on the Safety Visits request page and how the submitted information is collected and stored.

The purposes for which the information is being collected;

The address entered into this field returns information about your address that we use to pre-populate the Safety Visits form. This information is provided by Google Maps.

The intended recipients of the information;

FRNSW only stores the returned auto-complete address when the Safety Visit request form is submitted.

Safety Visit request form

This section of the FRNSW Website Privacy Policy relates to Safety visit request form and how the submitted information is collected and stored.

The purposes for which the information is being collected;

Your contact details and question responses are collected for the purpose of allowing FRNSW to conduct a safety visit at the address provided.

The intended recipients of the information;

Your details are stored securely in a third-party communications platform (FormStack) and is only accessible by FRNSW staff. 

Your details are encrypted in this platform and only FRNSW staff who are responsible for supporting and conducting Fire Safety Visits can access this information.

You can access the FormStacks Privacy Policy here [external link] and FRNSW Privacy Management Plan here (PDF).

Your details will be emailed and stored within the domain using Microsoft Office 365 [external link]. This allows FRNSW staff to complete their duties in performing a safety visit.

Subject to any other legal requirements regarding information retention, your information will be retained for 3 years.

Is the supply of the information required by law or is voluntary;

No. You do not have to provide your details via the form. It is completely voluntary. You can call your local fire station to book a safety visit.

Are there any consequences for the individual if the information (or any part of it) is not provided;

The consequences for not providing all required information on the form may mean we may not be able to perform a safety visit.

Ways the individual can access and correct the information;

You can update your details by contacting the Community Engagement Unit using the details below.

To have your details removed from FRNSW systems, please contact the Community Engagement Unit using the details below.

Name and address of the unit that is collecting the information and the unit that is to hold the information;

Community Engagement Unit

Postal address:

Locked Mail Bag 12
NSW 2190

Business hours: 8am to 4:30pm


Phone: 02 9742 7400

Feedback and complaints form

This section of the FRNSW Website Privacy Policy relates to Feedback and Complaints form and how the submitted information is collected and stored.

The purposes for which the information is being collected;

Your question responses are collected for the purpose of allowing FRNSW to respond to your complaint, compliment or feedback.

The intended recipients of the information;

Your details are stored securely on a third-party communications platform (FormStack) and are only accessible by FRNSW staff. Only FRNSW staff who are responsible for managing this information can access this service.

You can access the FormStacks Privacy Policy here [external link] and FRNSW Privacy Management Plan here (PDF).

Your submitted information will be emailed within the domain using Microsoft Office 365 [external link] to allow Fire and Rescue NSW staff to action the feedback.

Is the supply of the information required by law or is voluntary;

No. You do not have to provide your contact details via the form. It is completely voluntary.

Are there any consequences for the individual if the information (or any part of it) is not provided;


Ways the individual can access, delete or correct the information;

You can update or request that your details are to be deleted by contacting the Office of the Commissioner using the details below.

Name and address of the unit that is collecting the information and the unit that is to hold the information;

Office of the Commissioner
Fire and Rescue NSW
1 Amarina Ave
Greenacre NSW

or by email to

Lodge a fire safety statement form

This section of the FRNSW Website Privacy Policy relates to the Annual Fire Safety Statement form and how the submitted information is collected and stored.

The purposes for which the information is being collected;

The uploaded document and question responses are collected for the purpose of complying with the requirements of the Environmental Planning and Assessment (Development Certification and Fire Safety) Regulation 2021 (EP&A Reg.)  

The intended recipients of the information;

The submitted information is sent from a third-party communications platform (WUFOO Forms – Survey Monkey) and is only accessible by FRNSW staff.

You can access the WUFOO (Survey Monkey) Privacy Policy here [external link] and FRNSW Privacy Management Plan here (PDF).

Your details will be emailed within the domain using Microsoft Office 365 [external link] allowing FRNSW staff to comply with their obligations of the Environmental Planning and Assessment (Development Certification and Fire Safety) Regulation 2021 (EP&A Reg.).

The submitted information is then stored within our document management platform as per the obligations of the Environmental Planning and Assessment (Development Certification and Fire Safety) Regulation 2021 (EP&A Reg.).

Is the supply of the information required by law or is voluntary;

It is required by law if you are required to submit a fire safety statement under the Environmental Planning and Assessment (Development Certification and Fire Safety) Regulation 2021 (EP&A Reg.).

Are there any consequences for the individual if the information (or any part of it) is not provided;

Penalties may apply as per the Environmental Planning and Assessment (Development Certification and Fire Safety) Regulation 2021 (EP&A Reg.).

Ways the individual can access and correct the information;

You can update your details by contacting the Fire Safety Unit using the details below.

Name and address of the unit that is collecting the information and the unit that is to hold the information;

Fire and Rescue NSW Fire Safety Branch

Postal address:
Locked Mail Bag 12
NSW 2190

Business hours: 7am to 5pm


Phone: (02) 9742 7434


There are risks associated with the transmission of information over the internet and you should therefore make your own assessment of the risks in the provision of your information to FRNSW internet sites.


If you have any enquiries about our privacy policies, contact us by writing to the following address:
Privacy Contact Officer
Fire and Rescue NSW
1 Amarina Ave
Greenacre NSW
or by email to