Aboriginal Communities Program

Components of this program include:

  • Safety promotions through the indigenous media including press (such as the Koori Mail), radio and TV.
  • Involvement in a range of Aboriginal community events including running displays and giving out safety materials and promotional items.
  • Six Aboriginal Community Fire Units (CFUs) have already been set up in locations with substantial indigenous communities.


  • To reduce fires and other emergencies within indigenous communities.
  • To build capacity within Aboriginal communities to increase their preparedness for, and resilience to fires and other emergencies.
  • To engage and build relationships with Aboriginal communities to assist them in developing programs to improve indigenous housing safety.

Target group

According to the ABS estimates based on the 2001 Census of Population and Housing, NSW had an indigenous population of 134,888 in 2001, 2.05% of the state's total population. Indigenous population is less urbanised that the non-indigenous population, with communities spread throughout the State.