Fire and Rescue NSW and RSL NSW announce more support for firefighters serving in military - NSW

Published: 24 Dec 2023 08:32am

More than 400 current and former service personnel who work for Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) now have access to an enhanced support network as RSL NSW re-establishes a standalone sub-Branch for the state’s firefighters.

The NSW Fire Brigades sub-Branch was first formed in the 1920s – off the back of the First World War, when its main purpose was to facilitate repatriation and medical support.

It continued its important work until the 1980s when it was abolished due to a lack of membership.

FRNSW has since reconnected with the Australian Defence Force (ADF) community and now has at least 405 current and former service men and women in its ranks, including reservists and those who’ve transitioned to firefighting after full-time military service.

Among them is FRNSW Commissioner, Jeremy Fewtrell, who joined the Australian Army Reserves straight after finishing school. He went on to serve in the Sixth Battalion Royal Australian Regiment (6RAR) as a rifleman and a section commander.

This significantly increased presence of ADF personnel in firefighting and support staff roles has led FRNSW and RSL NSW to provide direct access to critical veteran services such as wellbeing support, advocacy, mateship, and commemoration.

RSL NSW President, Mick Bainbridge, today joined Commissioner Fewtrell in announcing the return of the NSW Fire Brigades sub-Branch after a nearly 40-year absence.

“From my service, I have an appreciation of the value and benefits that an active RSL sub-Branch can provide, especially in supporting veterans and connecting them to services,” FRNSW Commissioner Fewtrell said.

“With the cohort of young veterans from recent military deployments, it’s important that they are supported in the best possible way in an environment they are comfortable with.

“The re-establishment of a dedicated RSL NSW sub-Branch within FRNSW is a great way to support those who continue to give back to the Australian people – be it through military service, firefighting and support roles, or both.”

Mr Bainbridge said the re-establishment of the sub-Branch is indicative of the renewal of Australia’s oldest veterans’ charity and its commitment to providing the grassroots support and connection to a like-minded community that veterans and their families are asking for.

“I am delighted to witness the rekindling of camaraderie and support for my fellow veterans within Fire and Rescue NSW,” Mr Bainbridge said.

“Many veterans that leave Defence join the first-responder community so it’s all about having each other’s backs as we transition into these new careers.

“These veterans have served our nation, risking life and limb, which they continue to do as firefighters in communities across the state.”

FRNSW also encourages other ADF personnel to consider a career in firefighting or support roles. More information on recruitment is available via the FRNSW website: [external link]

Updated: 24 Dec 2023 08:37am

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