Fire and Rescue NSW assists Australian recovery efforts in cyclone-hit Vanuatu - Vanuatu

Published: 09 Mar 2023 03:08pm

Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) is contributing to a major Australian Government humanitarian mission in support of the Government of Vanuatu’s response to Tropical Cyclones Judy and Kevin.

The intense storm systems made landfall on the Pacific island nation within 48 hours of each other last week, flattening properties, causing power outages, and damaging water sources, food crops and critical infrastructure.

Two firefighters, from FRNSW’s Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART), have been deployed to Port Vila as part of the broader Australian Government Rapid Assessment Team carrying out damage assessments, including at hospitals, schools and ports.

Their taskings are being coordinated by Government of Vanuatu’s National Disaster Management Office.

FRNSW Commissioner Paul Baxter said it is important Australia’s emergency services offer help to the Pacific family in its time of need.

“The firefighters we’ve sent to Vanuatu are highly experienced and well-trained experts with specialist skills in responding to natural disasters,” said Commissioner Baxter.

“Working alongside local emergency teams and our frontline partners, the firefighters continue to deliver much-needed supplies and logistical support to those affected.”

“This is the third international mission Fire and Rescue NSW DART teams have undertaken in recent weeks, with successful deployments to Türkiye’s earthquake zone and flood-hit areas of New Zealand.”

_EDITORS NOTE: _Additional images relating to FRNSW's deployment to Vanuatu are available via the FRNSW website.

Updated: 09 Mar 2023 03:12pm

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