Fire and Rescue NSW retrieves 'injured skier' in alpine training exercise - Perisher

Published: 02 Aug 2023 03:21pm

Specialist Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crews have hit the slopes at Perisher Valley, in the Snowy Mountains, to test their preparedness for emergencies in difficult alpine terrain.

FRNSW firefighters joined NSW Ambulance paramedics in a realistic training drill, in which they had to rescue an 'injured' skier from a dangerous icy slope.

The over-snow firefighting appliance was used as an anchor at the top of the slope, with a twin rope system rigged to allow first-responders to safely reach the mock patient.

Emergency teams stabilised and treated the 'casualty', using the stretcher sled to carry him upslope and place him into the over-snow ambulance.

The mock rescue operation offered firefighters and paramedics a chance to work together in a training environment and familiarise themselves with each agency's equipment, capabilities and procedures.

This will help enable them to respond to the 'real deal' quickly and seamlessly over the winter months.

FRNSW is also using recent cool temperatures to prepare for another extreme - the looming threat of bushfires and grass fires - by conducting hazard reduction burns across the state.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Additional images are available via the FRNSW website.

Updated: 02 Aug 2023 03:25pm

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