Fire and Rescue NSW and Police investigating thefts of fire hydrant components - Western Sydney

Published: 19 Jan 2024 02:43pm

Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) and NSW Police are urging body corporates and apartment block residents to remain vigilant after a spate of fire hydrant system thefts in Sydney’s west.

FRNSW’s Fire Safety Unit and Blacktown Police have identified thefts from at least 38 sites across 12 suburbs including Blacktown, Merrylands and Eastern Creek since November last year.

The thefts have involved the removal of around 850 kilograms of copper and brass hydrant fittings for sale as scrap metal.

Police from Blacktown Police Area Command have arrested and charged a plumber, aged in his 40’s, with 18 counts of theft.

He is already before the courts.

FRNSW is concerned the theft of essential fittings will hamper firefighting crews in the event of an emergency.

“The fire hydrants allow us to control the flow and pressure of water being pumped into a building’s fire suppressant system,” said Chief Superintendent Steve Hayes, Commander of FRNSW’s Fire Safety Unit.

“Without those fittings the fire hydrant system may not be operational, which places residents in potential danger and delays firefighters in undertaking firefighting operations, so we’re urging all body corporates and apartment building residents to keep an eye out for suspicious behaviour.” Chief Superintendent Hayes added.

“We have been liaising with NSW Police and the Department of Fair Trading in relation to these thefts.

“Residents are urged to contact their local Police Station or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 if they become aware of such crimes.”

Updated: 19 Jan 2024 02:53pm

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