Firefighter honoured for extraordinary 60 years’ continuous service - Oberon

Published: 21 May 2024 11:55am

A stalwart of Oberon Fire Station, Firefighter Peter Ryan, is celebrating 60 years of continuous service with Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW).

The service marked the occasion with a barbecue at the station on Monday night, with Commissioner, Jeremy Fewtrell, and Assistant Commissioner - Regional Operations, Cheryl Steer, in attendance to express their gratitude.

In recognition of the significant milestone, Peter has been awarded a second gold clasp to the NSW Fire Brigades Long Service and Good Conduct Medal, as well as an ‘Acknowledgement of Service’ certificate.

Commissioner Fewtrell has expressed his gratitude for Peter’s dedication to both FRSNW as well as the community of Oberon.

“Peter is still a key part in every incident he attends,” Commissioner Fewtrell said.

“Always the quiet achiever, things just happen when Peter is on the fire ground.

“His knowledge of firefighting operations is only surpassed by his knowledge of the town and its people.”

Since the day Peter joined FRNSW in 1964, firefighting operations and technology have come a long way.

It wasn’t until the 1980’s that advancements such as breathing apparatus, radio communications, safer uniforms and mobile phones were introduced.

Peter recalls these developments as the biggest changes he’s seen throughout his six decades of service.

“Now, what's likely to happen in the next 60 years?…that’s hard to say,” Peter said.

Peter says that despite the significant gap in both age and experience at the station, his fellow firefighters have always treated him with kindness.

“They don't treat me like an old fogey or anything like that," Peter said.

“We get on well together and it’s always been a great crew to work with.

“The things I’ve enjoyed most about the job is the camaraderie of the people I work with.

“It’s so important, in any situation, to work as a team and get on well together."

Assistant Commissioner Steer also congratulated Peter on such a significant milestone.

“Very few people get the opportunity to celebrate six decades of service, let alone with the same organisation…this is a very special occasion," Assistant Commissioner Steer said.

“I think it speaks volumes of Peter’s respectful and humble character that on the day of his anniversary, he was at the station mowing the lawn.

“It’s an honour to be here to celebrate Peter and his achievements.”

Media note - FRNSW footage is available here: [external link] [external link]

Updated: 21 May 2024 11:59am

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Stations nearby

OBERON Fire Station

51 North Street, Oberon NSW 2787


36 Rabaul Street, Lithgow (Lithgow West) NSW 2790

LITHGOW Fire Station

58 Cook Street, Lithgow NSW 2790