Fire Commander urges extra community vigilance after spate of residential fires - South-Sydney

Published: 04 Apr 2024 09:17am

Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) is urging residents to be extra vigilant about the risk of fires in their homes following a spate of fires in Sydney’s south-west.

FRNSW crews have responded to at least 10 fires in houses, units, garages and garden sheds in the south-western suburbs in the past few weeks.

Some were caused by electrical faults whilst others were started by cooking left unattended on kitchen stoves.

The spike in residential fires has prompted FRNSW South-West Zone Commander, Greg Wright, to encourage extra caution in the home.

“Households can’t afford to take their eye off the ball when it comes to the risk of fires,” Superintendent Wright said.

“This is especially true as the weather gets colder and we start to rely on heaters and cook more hot meals,” he added.

“Last winter, we had 1063 residential fires In New South Wales, an increase of 119 on 2022.

“Eight people lost their lives and 115 others were injured.

“Human activity accounted for 557 of those blazes.

“In 462 of cases (43%), the fires started in the kitchen or cooking areas….so in other words…’Keep looking while you’re cooking.’”

“At least three of the most recent fires we’ve had in the south-west related to food catching alight on stoves,” Supt Wright said.

“Fortunately, our crews got there in the nick of time to limit the damage, but you can’t afford to be distracted when you’re cooking.

“The first thing residents should do is ensure they have at least one working smoke alarm installed in their homes.

“Test it…if it’s not working, replace it or book a Home Fire Safety Visit with your local FRNSW crew and we’ll come to your home and fit a smoke alarm, free of charge.

“If your smoke alarm has faded to an ugly yellow colour, it’s reached its 10-year use-by date and should be replaced immediately…only a working smoke alarm will save lives.”

Home Fire Safety Visits can be booked via the FRNSW website: [external link]

Recent South-West Sydney residential fires: 1)    1 April 2024, Barkers Lodge Road, Oakdale – 5x10m cottage destroyed by fire. 2)    1 April 2024, Crookston Drive, Camden South – short circuit in air conditioner started a fire, contained to roof. 3)    31 March 2024, Fern Avenue, Campbelltown – single storey home destroyed by fire. Residents away on holidays. 4)    27 March, 2024, Lois Lane, Minto – Car fire in car port, saved by FRNSW crew. 5)    27 March, 2024, Moore Street, Campbelltown – Food stuffs alight. Extinguished by FRNSW crew. New smoke alarm installed. 6)    22 March, 2024, Amalfi Street, Lurnea – Two garden sheds full of stored materials alight. Owner escaped unharmed. 7)    19 March, 2024 – Darling Avenue, Lurnea – Fire in dishwasher. 8)    19 March, 2024, Alderson Avenue, Liverpool – Food stuffs alight on kitchen stove. 9)    19 March, 2024, Lawrence Hargraves Drive, Warwick Farm – Bedroom badly damaged by fire. Male admitted to hospital with suspected burns to airway and body. 10) 15 March, 2024, Guernsey Avenue, Minto – Food stuffs alight on stove. Fire crews limited spread to kitchen ceiling.

Updated: 04 Apr 2024 09:22am

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Cooking fire safety

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Heaters & open fires

Learn how to prevent fires from heaters and open fires.

Details about this incident may change and should not be used as emergency information and/or advice.

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For flood information, warnings or requests for non-life threatening assistance, call the SES on 132 500 or visit the NSW State Emergency Service website here. [external link].

For information directly relating to bushfires please call the Bush Fire Information Line on 1800 679 737 or visit the NSW Rural Fire Service Website here. [external link]