Firefighters give thumbs up to new $530,000 Bushfire Tanker - Inverell

Published: 04 Jul 2023 01:24pm

It’s the latest pride and joy in the engine bays at the Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) Station at Inverell – a new $530,000 Bushfire Tanker to protect the state’s north.

The Isuzu multi-purpose four-wheel-drive is one of 18 new firefighting appliances being deployed across the state by FRNSW, in line with recommendations arising from the Inquiry into the 2019/20 ‘Black Summer’ bushfire disaster.

It features a Compressed Air Foam System (CAFS), which combines foam and water to douse fires much faster and in a more environmentally friendly manner than earlier-model tankers.

The tanker is also fitted with a special ‘Halo” sprinkler system that can create a shield of water over the cabin to protect the crew from fire, along with a 3500-litre water tank.

Inverell FRNSW Captain, Robert Wighton, said the tanker is a ‘jack of all trades,’ designed to fight blazes in the bush or the main street of town.

“We’re thrilled with the versatility of the appliance,” Captain Wighton said, “The truck uses less water than traditional tankers, which also helps the environment.

“The ‘Halo’ system provides our crew with an added later of protection and peace of mind.

“The truck also features a spray nozzle on the front of the cab, allowing us to pinpoint the water flow, if necessary.”

Updated: 04 Jul 2023 01:28pm

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Stations nearby

INVERELL Fire Station

59 Evans Street, Inverell NSW 2360

BINGARA Fire Station

44 Finch Street, Bingara NSW 2404

WARIALDA Fire Station

19 Geddes Street, Warialda NSW 2402