Fire and Rescue NSW concerned about increasing rate of winter fires - NSW

Published: 13 Oct 2023 11:22am

Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) has determined there was a 12-percent increase in house fires during winter this year, sparking calls for more working smoke alarms in NSW homes.

The latest statistics gathered by FRNSW indicate there were 1063 residential fires during winter this year, an increase of 119 on the same season last year.

It’s the largest number of winter residential fires in NSW since 2019 when 1092 such blazes were recorded.

Eight people were killed in preventable winter residential fires this year, compared to 17 deaths in 2022.

There were 115 people injured by fires in the home this winter, an increase of 28 on last year.

The leading cause of winter residential fires this year was human activity (557 cases), followed by undetermined causes (135), arson (108), electrical faults (66) and overheating (45).

In 462 or 43-percent of cases, fires broke out in kitchens or cooking areas; 113 or 11-percent in the bedroom; 63 fires or six percent in loungerooms; and 40 or four percent in garages and workshops.

FRNSW Acting Assistant Commissioner – Community Safety, David Felton, said the figures reinforce the need for working smoke alarms in New South Wales homes.

“When was the last time you checked your home’s smoke alarm was working?” Act. Assistant Commissioner Felton, said.

“In almost half the fires we go to each winter, there’s no working smoke alarm present.

“That’s not going to protect you or your loved ones if a fire breaks out,” he said.

”Invest a few dollars in a smoke alarm or two and ensure they’re rigged to sound in unison if flames do occur.

“Increase your chance of survival by creating a home evacuation plan, identifying practical escape routes in your home.

“Also remember to look out for seniors or older loved ones in our communities.

“They might need your help to remain safe from fires in their homes.”

“You can easily book a free home safety visit from FRNSW by visiting our website: [external link]

“Firefighters will inspect your home, provide safety advice and even fit a 10-year smoke alarm, free of charge, if necessary.”

Updated: 13 Oct 2023 11:26am

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Related safety topics

Cooking fire safety

The leading cause of home fires in NSW is leaving cooking unattended.

Smoke alarms

It“s the law to have at least one working smoke alarm installed on every level of your home.

Common home fires

If you do your bit to minimise the risks in your home, we can all stay safer together.

Escape plans

Having a home escape plan and a working smoke alarm increases your chances of getting out safely.

Details about this incident may change and should not be used as emergency information and/or advice.

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For flood information, warnings or requests for non-life threatening assistance, call the SES on 132 500 or visit the NSW State Emergency Service website here. [external link].

For information directly relating to bushfires please call the Bush Fire Information Line on 1800 679 737 or visit the NSW Rural Fire Service Website here. [external link]