***VISION ALERT*** New multi-purpose fire truck proving its worth on the state’s far South Coast - Merimbula

Published: 03 Jul 2024 01:00pm

A versatile, modern fire truck, stationed at Merimbula on the state’s far South Coast, has received the “thumbs up” from local firefighters.

Regarded as a “Jack-of-all-trades” appliance, the Mercedes Atego Class 1 tanker is valued at $660,000 and arrived in station last month.

The tanker boasts a ‘pump and roll’ feature which allows it to extinguish fires whilst on the move and it provides the latest ‘HALO’ cabin protection system which sprays water in a 360-degree circle to safeguard the crew in the event of a flash-over incident.

FRNSW Region South Area Commander, Greg Buckley, said, “the new vehicle will be equally at ease dealing with semi-trailer fires on a highway as it will be traversing rugged terrain to get to a bushfire.

“It’s a welcome addition to the Merimbula station and the crew’s been busy familiarising themselves with the tanker,” Chief Superintendent Buckley said.

Emergency Services Minister, Jihad Dib, said the tanker is the latest in a long line of new FRNSW appliances, deployed in regional areas since the 2019/20 Black Summer bushfires.

“This truck is well suited to handling emergencies on the south coast and will serve the local community for many years to come.”

Member for Bega, Dr Michael Holland, has welcomed the new addition to the Merimbula station.

"This infrastructure investment help support the local Fire and Rescue services protecting our communities."

Media note – FRNSW footage of the new tanker is available here: https://vimeo.com/947222274/c024afa7e4 [external link]

Updated: 03 Jul 2024 01:04pm

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Details about this incident may change and should not be used as emergency information and/or advice.

For all life threatening emergencies, call Triple Zero (000)

For flood information, warnings or requests for non-life threatening assistance, call the SES on 132 500 or visit the NSW State Emergency Service website here. [external link].

For information directly relating to bushfires please call the Bush Fire Information Line on 1800 679 737 or visit the NSW Rural Fire Service Website here. [external link]

Stations nearby

MERIMBULA Fire Station

17-19 Monaro Street, Merimbula NSW 2548

EDEN Fire Station

44 Hopkins Street, Eden NSW 2551

BEGA Fire Station

114 Gipps Street, Bega NSW 2550