Valuable training exercise for firefighters at Braidwood Multipurpose Service - VIDEO - Braidwood

Published: 19 Dec 2023 01:03pm

A Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crew has teamed up with NSW Health to conduct an emergency exercise in the Southern Tablelands.

The Southern NSW Local Health District (SNSWLHD) recently invited the crew from 236 station Braidwood to simulate a hazardous materials (HAZMAT) emergency outside the Braidwood Multipurpose Service (MPS).

The mock scenario involved an individual intent on carrying a bag of ‘toxic’ chemicals inside the health facility to disrupt operations.

The drill saw the person ‘overwhelmed’ by chemical fumes and rendered unconscious.

The On-call Braidwood firefighters responded immediately and after an initial assessment, a ‘snatch and grab’ rescue was performed to remove the patient / role player from harm’s way  before they were decontaminated and handed over to hospital staff for further treatment.

The Braidwood crew then put on chemical spillage suits to identify and then clean up the hazardous materials spillage before handing the area back over to the MPS management.

The simulation proved very effective, prompting plans for similar FRNSW exercises in the state’s south-east, next year.

FRNSW Zone Commander, Mark Cavanough, said the FRNSW crew found the drill very beneficial

“We had two recruits who took part in the exercise and neither had worn chemical spillage suits before at an incident,” Superintendent Cavanough observed.

“We also had an Acting Captain who had never performed the role of Incident Commander at a Hazmat emergency before, so it was a very valuable learning experience for the four-person crew.”

Media note: FRNSW Video of the exercise is available here: [external link]

Updated: 20 Dec 2023 09:52am

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Details about this incident may change and should not be used as emergency information and/or advice.

For all life threatening emergencies, call Triple Zero (000)

For flood information, warnings or requests for non-life threatening assistance, call the SES on 132 500 or visit the NSW State Emergency Service website here. [external link].

For information directly relating to bushfires please call the Bush Fire Information Line on 1800 679 737 or visit the NSW Rural Fire Service Website here. [external link]

Stations nearby

BRAIDWOOD Fire Station

13 Park Lane, Braidwood NSW 2622


1 Heradale Parade, Batemans Bay NSW 2536


41 Campbell Street, Queanbeyan NSW 2620