New multi-purpose fire engine to protect Gundagai - Gundagai

Published: 07 May 2024 02:20pm

The Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crew at Gundagai, in the state’s Riverina, has welcomed a new multi-purpose tanker.

The Mercedes Atego Class 1 tanker, valued at $660,000, has been delivered to the town’s fire station and the crew has spent the last few days familiarising itself with the vehicle.

Regarded as a ‘jack of all trades’ truck for FRNSW, the Class 1 is capable of travelling off-road to reach fire scenes.

It boasts a ‘pump-and-roll’ capability that enables it to deliver water whilst moving and an in-built “HALO” sprinkler cabin protection system represents an additional safeguard for the crew, particularly when threatened by ‘burn-over’ situations.

FRNSW Region South Area Commander, Greg Buckley, said the tanker is one of many new vehicles rolling off the Fire and Rescue production line in recent months.

“This is a welcome addition to the Riverina fleet,” Chief Superintendent Buckley said, “The crew can’t wait to put it through its paces.

“We’re particularly happy with the tanker’s “pump and roll” technology which means it’s particularly effective in extinguishing bushfires and fast-moving grass fires.”

Emergency Services Minister, Jihad Dib, said the tanker is the latest fire truck provided under FRNSW’s $17m annual vehicle replacement program.

“We’re ensuring that fire trucks that reach the end of their service life are swapped out for new vehicles that will help protect local communities for years to come,” Minister Dib said.

Updated: 07 May 2024 02:25pm

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For information directly relating to bushfires please call the Bush Fire Information Line on 1800 679 737 or visit the NSW Rural Fire Service Website here. [external link]

Stations nearby

GUNDAGAI Fire Station

28 Otway Street, Gundagai NSW 2722

TUMUT Fire Station

146 Wynyard Street, Tumut NSW 2720


14 - 16 Adams Street, Cootamundra NSW 2590