Baby Duck Rescue - Wonderland Drive, Eastern Creek

Published: 19 Nov 2021 10:00am

It's been a quacker of a day for our crew at Huntingwood who rescued six ducklings from a stormwater drain in Wonderland Drive, Eastern Creek this morning.

Responding to an urgent call from a concerned community member who heard the ducklings crying, firefighters flew into action to rescue their new feathered friends.

Under the watchful gaze of the duckling's parents, the crew pried open the drain and safely removed the adventurous offspring.

The rescue effort wasn’t all smooth sailing - trying to protect their young ones, the duckling's parents tried to take a nip out of our firefighters.

All was forgiven though when the ducks were reunited with their babies. An egg-cellent result all round.

Updated: 25 Oct 2022 01:31pm

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