Firefighter delivers rescue training to Vanuatu’s Emergency Services

Published: 17th August 2017

FRNSW Training Officer James Manuao is one of six NSW emergency services professionals recently deployed to Vanuatu to facilitate the training of local emergency service teams.

A NSW Rotary initiative, the team includes representatives from FRNSW, NSW Rural Fire Service, NSW Rescue Volunteer Rescue Association and NSW State Emergency Service.

They will help deliver 12 days of intensive road accident rescue, vertical rescue, inland water rescue and general land recue training to the Vanuatu Police Force, Vanuatu Fire Service, paramedics and rescue volunteers.

Firefighter Manuao said it was an honour to provide training assistance to his counterparts in Vanuatu.

“I’m pleased to be able to share my skills and experience with the local emergency services personnel,” he said.

“The training delivered will go a long way in adding value to the services that the local fire and rescue agency provide to the people of the Vanuatu.”

In addition to training, Vanuatu emergency service agencies will also receive new rescue equipment as part of the project, including turnout gear for the Vanuatu Fire Service, air lift bags, vertical and ProMedical rescue equipment. The team will also deliver training in the safe use and maintenance of the new equipment.

FRNSW Commissioner Paul Baxter QSO said the training and equipment would provide a much-needed boost to local firefighters on the ground.

“Firefighting operations in Vanuatu have advanced over the last few years, however the addition of this training will further improve the country’s emergency response capabilities,” he said.

“In the event of a disaster occurring, this training will ensure local first responders are self-sufficient and ready to act in the critical period following an incident.”

According to the United Nations University World Risk Index, Vanuatu is the world’s most at-risk country for natural hazards.

An inbound team of Vanuatu Emergency Service Professionals will undertake a reciprocal visit to NSW in 2018.