Safety first for Nyngan with opening of new $920,000 fire station

Published: 29th May 2017

Minister for Emergency Services and Member for Dubbo Troy Grant was today joined by Fire & Rescue NSW (FRNSW) Commissioner Paul Baxter to officially open the new Nyngan fire station on Lawlor Street.

Mr Grant said the new fire station represents the Nationals & Liberals Government’s commitment to investing in community safety.

“This Government is investing $693.2 million in FRNSW for 2016/17 – the largest investment in its 132 year history,” Mr Grant said.

“This new fire station will provide a permanent, enhanced base for the firefighters who work so hard to protect the community,” Mr Grant said.

“It will ensure better response coverage and provide our local firefighters with the facilities they need to continue delivering the best possible service well into the future.

“Our emergency services personnel and volunteers selflessly put themselves in harm’s way to protect life and property and I’m committed to ensuring they have the support they need to undertake their important work.”

Member for Barwon Kevin Humphries said the modern $920,000 station will deliver real benefits to the people of Nyngan and surrounds.

“I’m proud the NSW Government is investing in the safety of our region by providing our firefighters with the best equipment and resources,” Mr Humphries said.

“The new Nyngan FRNSW Station is another example of our Government’s commitment to supporting our emergency services so they can keep up with the tremendous work they do.”

Commissioner Baxter acknowledged Bogan Shire Council for providing the land for the new station.

“This gift ensured the resources went directly to the thing that mattered most – building a new fire station that improves response times and performance in emergency situations and makes the community safer.”

Key features of the new Nyngan Fire Station include:

  • two-truck engine bay for improved capability into the future;
  • separate “clean” and “dirty” areas, improved personal protective equipment storage facilities and areas for stores and breathing apparatus cleaning;
  • larger watch and mess rooms to ensure firefighters are rested, separate male and female amenities, and a gym to assist firefighters with physical conditioning; and
  • a hose pole, work bench, drill yard, and training hydrant.

NSW Department of Public Works managed the project and Geloyse from Dubbo was the principal designer.