Australia Day medal for NSW fire officer

Published: 26th January 2015

Fire & Rescue NSW (FRNSW) Station Officer Clayton Allison has spent the past 33 years providing fire and emergency protection to the people of NSW and today he was named in the Australia Day Honours, receiving the Australian Fire Service Medal (AFSM).

The AFSM is one of the highest honours an Australian firefighter can receive and Station Officer Allison was one of just three FRNSW firefighters awarded the prestigious medal.

Fire & Rescue Commissioner Greg Mullins said Station Officer Allison, who has been directly responsible for influencing major improvements to rescue service delivery throughout NSW, was a worthy recipient of the AFSM.

“Station Officer Allison is dedicated to serving the community of NSW. He is widely respected both within Australia and internationally for establishing FRNSW as a world leader in rescue techniques,” Commissioner Mullins said.

“Station Officer Allison has mentored and trained numerous FRNSW rescue teams from various locations across the state in road accident and industrial rescue. He is a member of the United Nations accredited Urban Search and Rescue team and was part of the Australian response to the Japan Tsunami emergency in 2011. He has been the primary instructor for the Technical Rope Rescue Course delivered to the Australian Army and has also filled a role as crewman on the Westpac Rescue Helicopter where he has performed a number of complex and dangerous rescues.”

“He is an internationally recognised leader and innovator within the rescue sector of the emergency services and I congratulate him on this well deserved award.”

Station Officer Allison lives in Bulli with his wife and two children and will be presented with his AFSM in a ceremony later in the year.
