Paramedics and firefighters share pole position as the most trusted profession in 2013

Published: 18th June 2013

After more than ten years in pole position, NSW paramedics are pleased to share the podium with NSW firefighters.

According to Reader's Digest, Australians tend to place their faith in the people who save our lives, care for us, protect us, and give back to us.

Paramedics and firefighters work side by side each day saving lives, often in the face of extreme danger. They’re there at car crashes, fires and other emergencies helping people when they’re at their most vulnerable.

"Paramedics have been voted the most trusted profession by the Australian community for ten years now. We'd like to send back a big thank you to the Australian community and assure them the respect is equal – the first priority for our paramedics is to provide the highest level of patient care to the community," NSW Ambulance Commissioner Ray Creen said.

"This year we are pleased that our colleagues, the fire fighting profession have also been acknowledged by the Australian community. In New South Wales, these two professions have formed a very productive and efficient working relationship."

Fire & Rescue NSW Commissioner Greg Mullins said he was proud to see firefighters in the top spot with paramedics.

"Being a firefighter is one of the most important and rewarding careers you could have," he said.

"Firefighters are respected and trusted community members; and being a firefighter provides you with the opportunity to make a real and ongoing difference to the lives of people in the community."

The Commissioner of the NSW Rural Fire Service, Shane Fitzsimmons, said all 70,000 members of the RFS proudly served the community and were grateful for the recognition.

"Our firefighters don’t do their job for the accolades or praise, but it is great to see how much people appreciate what they do each and every day.

"I note that also featuring in the top ten most trusted positions are rescue volunteers (#3) and farmers (#10), among other roles, meaning many of our volunteers would fall into more than one 'most trusted' category. This reflects the kind of people we are lucky enough to have volunteering with the NSW RFS," Commissioner Fitzsimmons said.

NSW Ambulance along with Fire & Rescue NSW and the NSW Rural Fire Service thank the community for acknowledging the dedication firefighters and paramedics put into their jobs every day.

NSW Ambulance is one of the largest Ambulance services in the world and employs more than four thousand paramedics across the state. Ambulance paramedics can specialise in areas such as intensive care paramedics, extended care paramedics, special casualty access team, aeromedical services, snow operations, rapid response, rescue, counter disaster to name just a few. For more information on the profession, visit

The NSW Rural Fire Service is the largest volunteer firefighting force in the world. The Service comprises more than 2,000 volunteer rural fire brigades with a total membership of just over 70,000. It is made up of volunteers from all walks of life - men and women from different cultural backgrounds, age groups and professions. For more information on the NSW RFS or how to volunteer, visit

Fire & Rescue NSW is responsible for the provision of fire, rescue and hazmat services in cities and towns across New South Wales. With 7,000 staff, it is one of the largest urban fire and rescue services and is one of the busiest in Australia. Our highly-skilled fire officers and support staff provide rapid, reliable help in emergencies, 24 hours a day, seven days a week saving lives and property during emergencies and disasters. For more information visit