Triple Zero kid game upgraded to target at-risk groups

Published: 28th March 2013

Federal Attorney-General and Minister for Emergency Management, Mark Dreyfus, and emergency services personnel have today launched an upgraded online computer game for primary school-aged children to educate at-risk groups on the correct use of the Triple Zero emergency number.

The interactive Triple Zero Kids’ Challenge uses colourful, animated characters to provide lessons to children on the confident and appropriate use of Triple Zero.

The game features various scenarios involving police, fire and ambulance services to deliver lessons in safety. It has now been upgraded to include an extra three scenarios that will educate players on the impact of hoax calls, what to do in major bushfires, and how to only call Triple Zero for life-threatening and emergency situations.

The Triple Zero Kids’ Challenge is an initiative of the Triple Zero Awareness Working Group, a national forum representing call-taking emergency services organisations and emergency call service providers across Australia.

Mr Dreyfus joined Triple Zero Awareness Working Group Chairman, Fire & Rescue NSW Assistant Commissioner Mark Whybro, and other emergency services representatives to launch the upgrade at Bert Oldfield Public School in Seven Hills, Sydney today.

Assistant Commissioner Whybro said the original Triple Zero Kids’ Challenge had been an outstanding success, with more than 750,000 games played and users spending an average 17 minutes on line each session.

“Many children called Triple Zero each year, whether to aid a sick or injured parent, after witnessing a car accident or to report a crime or fire,” Assistant Commissioner Whybro said.

“Unfortunately, children are also among the numerous nuisance callers who tie up resources, potentially leading to a delay in responses to genuine emergencies.

“This game will teach children about the appropriate use of Triple Zero and give them the confidence in knowing what to do in the event of an emergency.” he said.

The game, which has won national and state public safety awards, has been translated into six languages other than English and has closed captions. Primary school teachers often use the game in class time to impart valuable information to their students.

Children are also encouraged to play the game on their home computers, providing parents and siblings with the opportunity to deliver life-saving messages to their families. The game can be accessed at primary schools or at home via the website: