Australia Day honours for senior fire officer

Published: 26th January 2013

During his 30 year career, Fire & Rescue NSW (FRNSW) Chief Superintendent Greg Buckley has responded to hundreds of fires and rescues, served in a wide range of senior management and specialist positions, and been responsible for numerous initiatives that have enhanced public safety both in NSW and nationally.

On Australia Day, Chief Superintendent Buckley, who lives in Leichhardt, was recognised for his leadership and commitment, receiving the Australian Fire Service Medal as part of the annual Australia Day Honours.

FRNSW Commissioner Greg Mullins said Chief Superintendent Buckley was one of three FRNSW fire officers to receive the award.

"The Australian Fire Service Medal is one of the highest honours an Australian firefighter can receive and I am extremely proud of all the FRNSW recipients.

"Chief Superintendent Buckley is one of FRNSW’s pre-eminent experts in the area of building fire safety and research, and he has been heavily involved in the development of policies and legislation that changed fire safety standards in NSW.

For example, he was a key player in the policy change which has made it mandatory for sprinklers to be fitted in all aged care facilities.

"He also coordinated the involvement of fire agencies in a research project in the aftermath of the Victorian bushfires, which resulted in a review of Australian Standards on building in bushfire prone areas."

Chief Superintendent Buckley, who joined FRNSW in 1983, also led FRNSW’s involvement in the Department of Planning’s ‘Backpackers Taskforce’, that proposed changes to fire safety measures for high risk accommodation and was instrumental in establishing some of the systems and processes that made the FRNSW’s Fire Investigation and Research Unit, including the expansion of the canine accelerant detection capability.

Commissioner Mullins said Chief Superintendent Buckley was a worthy recipient of the Australian Fire Service Medal.

"Throughout his career, Chief Superintendent Buckley has demonstrated professionalism, unwavering commitment and integrity and I congratulate him on this achievement."

Chief Superintendent Buckley will be presented with his award at a ceremony at Government House later in the year.