Father and son firefighting duo honoured for bravery

Published: 20th December 2011

Fire & Rescue NSW (FRNSW) Commissioner, Greg Mullins, has praised the actions of two brave firefighters who were awarded commendations at a ceremony at Dubbo Fire Station, last night.

Retained (on-call) firefighter, Warren Redfern was awarded a special commendation for risking his life to save a woman and two children from a fire. Joining him was his son, Firefighter Matthew Redfern, who also participated in the rescue and has already received a commendation for his bravery during the incident that saw father and son firefighters respond together.

“I am very proud of Firefighter Warren Redfern who, despite the confronting and life-threatening circumstances, helped rescue three people from a burning home, undoubtedly saving their lives,” said Commissioner Mullins.

While stationed at Morisset Fire Station, Firefighter Redfern and his crew were called to a serious fire in a residence above a pizza shop on Dora St, Morisset, in the early hours of 22 November, 2005.

“The premises was fully involved in fire when firefighters arrived on the scene, and it was obvious people were trapped inside the residence located above the shop,” said Commissioner Mullins.

“Firefighter Warren Redfern used a ladder to climb to the awning where two children were trapped. It was a dangerous situation with smoke and flames engulfing the back of the premises. He and his son, Firefighter Matthew Redfern -- who had also reached the balcony -- then rescued the children and brought them down to safety.

“Firefighter Warren Redfern soon realised there could be more people trapped inside and immediately returned to search for, and rescue, any remaining victims. He located a female occupant, semiconscious and partially slumped at a window - surrounded by heavy smoke.

“The lady had suffered the effects of smoke inhalation before Firefighter Redfern rescued her through the window - taking her to safety below.”

FRNSW Chief Superintendent Neil Harris also awarded Long Service and Good Conduct medals to Retained Firefighters Paul Schroder, Melvyn Pocknall, Peter Green and Graham Combridge.

The Commendation and service medals were presented in a ceremony at Dubbo Fire Station last night.