Minister launches firefighter statue for home fire safety campaign

Published: 16th August 2011

The Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Michael Gallacher, today launched a new concept in fire safety awareness with a 3-metre high bronze firefighter statue that members of the public can have their faces projected on to.

The campaign involves members of the public doing the Home Fire Safety Audit on the FRNSW new Facebook page, and being rewarded with their photo digitally projected onto the firefighter statue. For improving fire safety around their home, they will become an “honorary firefighter”.

The statue in Martin Place, in the heart of Sydney CBD is an interactive way to encourage people across NSW to take the Home Fire Safety Audit and help them prevent a fire in their home.

"It's a clever concept and I think a lot of people will get a kick out of having their faces on this impressive statue that will be placed at a number of locations in the Sydney CBD over the next month," Minister Gallacher said.

"I think this will be a hit with children and young people - and maybe even their parents but the main point is teaching people how to minimise the risk of fires in their home by doing the audit.

"Prevention is the key to reducing fire fatalities," Minister Gallacher concluded.

The campaign, which is part of the FRNSW 2011 Winter Fire Safety strategy, is an initiative of FRNSW and major community partner GIO. It is aimed at people aged between 20 and 34 who are technologically savvy.

"Recent GIO research has revealed that one in every seven households across NSW believe their home is a fire risk. Anything GIO can do to support FRNSW in raising fire safety awareness and bring that number down, such as this innovative new campaign, we're on board," said Grant Taylor, Executive Manager of GIO.

FRNSW Commissioner Greg Mullins said while fire fatalities were much lower this year than 2010, the concern was people may become complacent with as winter draws to an end.

"Our community messaging is working, with only one fatality in August this year compared with eight last year, but we still saw a high number of residential fires in September and we don't want that repeated this year.

"There's only so much my firefighters, who are among the best in the world, can do to save lives. The people of NSW need to be more aware of the fire risks in their homes, particularly in winter, and this is a fun way of learning what they can do to protect their families, pets and property," Commissioner Mullins concluded.

How it works

  • Members of the public go to the new Fire and Rescue NSW Facebook site ( and do the eight question Home Fire Safety Audit
  • On completion they will be informed of three key tips of what they can do to make their home safer
  • Only after finishing the audit will they be asked to choose of photo of their face and the follow the instructions to size, crop and straighten so it fits neatly inside the firefighter helmet. They press "submit"
  • They will be emailed confirmation that their photo has been approved (only inappropriate photos will be rejected) and notified what date, time and place their photo will appear on the statue
  • They “like” (we hope!) FRNSW on Facebook and tell all their family and friends about the firefighter statue and the audit.

Location and dates of the statue

Martin Place - August 16-26

QVB - August 27 - September 1

Pitt St Mall - Friday September 2

QVB - September 3-7

Wynyard Park - September 8-15

To see how it works, and to do the audit and submit your own photo, please go to


Caption: (L to R)Head of Corporate Affairs GIO Chris Newlan, Linda Buchan, Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Michael Gallacher and Commissioner Greg Mullins launches firefighter statue for home fire safety campaign.