Search for more on call firefighters for Urunga Fire Station

Published: 12th August 2011

If you’re looking for a new challenge, Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) wants to hear from you.

FRNSW is now recruiting retained (on call) firefighters to be on call from home or work to respond to fires and other emergencies at Urunga Fire Station. There are currently six vacancies for retained firefighters.

Inspector Tony Lenthall, Duty Commander for Regional North 1 Zone at FRNSW, urges Urunga residents from all walks of life to consider becoming a retained firefighter.

”If you enjoy being part of a team, are physically fit, and want to give something back to your community, contact us and find out how to become a retained firefighter,” Inspector  Lenthall said.

“The majority of retained firefighters have other jobs, and community minded employers are usually supportive for them to leave work to attend call outs.

“The roles of firefighters are varied, interesting and rewarding one. Firefighters not only fight fires and respond to a wide range of emergencies, they also educate school children,  seniors, business people and the wider community about fire safety.

“Retained Firefighters are on call, however this does not mean that you have to be available every minute of every day. Urunga Fire Station receives an average of 66 calls per year, with a general duration of an hour. Sharing availability with other retained firefighters can reduce potential impact on work and private life.”

Retained firefighters receive a fortnightly payment for being on call and an hourly rate for attending incidents, training sessions and other activities.

FRNSW Commissioner Greg Mullins said retained firefighters are a crucial part of providing fire protection to NSW communities.

“Retained firefighters play an important role protecting people, property and the environment across regional and rural NSW,” Commissioner Mullins said.

They are trained and equipped to deal with the same emergencies as permanent firefighters and are dedicated and passionate about what they do. The skills retained firefighters gain are also used in their everyday work life.”

For information about becoming a retained firefighter, phone Brooke in the FRNSW Zone Office in Port Macquarie on (02) 6583 8588 or visit: