29/7/11 - Firefighters rescue family from burning unit

Published: 29th July 2011

Rapid response by Parramatta firefighters has saved a family from possible tragedy.

Firefighters were alerted at 9.29am this morning to a unit fire in Bowden Street at Harris Park. Fire crews from Parramatta arrived within six minutes and were confronted with the top floor of a two level block of units on fire. A father, mother and small baby were trapped on the second floor balcony with flames licking over the top of their heads. The officer in charge of the firefighting operation described how the family only had about one more minute before they would have had to jump to safety.

Firefighters quickly used a fire ladder and assisted the family down to safety where they were treated by ambulance paramedics for minor smoke inhalation and released without requiring further treatment.

Thirty firefighters from six surrounding stations were called in to assist with the firefighting operations. Seven other people in the block of units self evacuated safely. Firefighters took about 30 minutes to bring the fire under control and extinguish. The unit was severely damaged by the fire and several other units in the building suffered from smoke and water damage.

The cause of the fire which possibly started in a living room area is currently being investigated.