25/03/11 - Kurnell Fire

Published: 25th March 2011

Updated 5:00pm

Fire and Rescue NSW is currently fighting a fire in a water purification manufacturing plant at Kurnell. Currently the fire is contained, but not yet extinguished.

Extensive damage is expected to the interior of the plant, FRNSW has now gained access to the plant.

Fourteen FRNSW fire engines and five RFS fire engines are onsite. A total of 90 firefighters are fighting the fire.

Approximately 250 residents are evacuated and a 500 metre exclusion zone will remain in place until fire fully extinguished.

Evacuated residents can attend the evacuation centre located at Cronulla Leagues Club.

The factory contains chemicals so monitoring of smoke and water run off for contamination is taking place with Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water NSW and Sutherland local council officers assisting.

A local emergency operations centre has been established.