More resources for Queensland

Published: 12th January 2011

Premier Keneally also announced another 32 highly trained Fire and Rescue NSW officers, specialist engineers and paramedics will be sent to Queensland today to assist Queensland emergency personnel in the areas worst hit by floods.

The specialist Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) fire officers will be deployed to assist with rapid damage assessment, swift water rescues and other emergency assistance procedures.

This is on top of the NSW resources already deployed to assist Queensland residents, including:

  • Two Rural Fire Service helicopters have been sent to Toowoomba;
  • Two teams of six swift-water fire and rescue personnel have been deployed to Toowoomba and elsewhere across Queensland; and
  • Four expert hydrologists from the NSW Office of Water have been sent to the St George region to help track the flood and predict its path.

This is in addition to the $1 million the NSW Government donated to the Queensland flood appeal on the weekend and the disaster management workers deployed last week.

"The NSW Government is working closely with Queensland authorities to provide them with the help they need in this time of crisis," Ms Keneally said.

"The personnel we are deploying are highly trained and skilled, and I’m confident they will be of tremendous help to their Queensland counterparts."

Emergency contacts (New South Wales)

  • For emergency assistance in floods and storms call the SES on 132 500
  • In a life threatening emergency call 000 (triple zero)
  • Weather information at
  • For safety and preparedness information:
  • For road information, visit the RTA website: