10/11/10 - Three dead, seven residential fires. Small factory fire and four Hazmat incidents

Published: 10th November 2010

The NSWFB recorded a total of 594 incidents across the state today. Highlights include:

At 2.06am on Wednesday 10 November 2010, fire crews were alerted by a Triple Zero call to a house fire in Dunn Avenue, Forest Hill (near Wagga Wagga). As the fire was in a Rural Fire District, RFS crews were immediately notified. NSWFB crews from Wagga Wagga and Turvey Park also responded to the call. Fire crews reported that a single level brick and tile cottage was totally involved in fire. Crews were aware that several people were reported missing and firefighters wearing breathing equipment attempted to conduct a rapid search, however the quickly deteriorating conditions prevented a thorough search. It took firefighters from both the NSWFB and RFS about 30 minutes to contain the fire which totally destroyed the house. Two deceased persons were located within the collapsed and burnt structure and approximately nine hours later after sifting through the debris, firefighters and Police located the body of a third victim. A report into the circumstances of the fire is currently being prepared for the coroner.

Today, firefighters also attended another six residential fires at Arncliffe. Epping, Warwick Farm, Glebe, Warners Bay and Port Macquarie.

A small fire in factory at Padstow was quickly extinguished and Fire Hazmat Crews attended incidents at the Sydney Opera House, Castle Hill, North Sydney and Katara