House fire at Kelso

Published: 22nd July 2010

Just after 11:20 this morning, fire officers from Kelso and Bathurst responded to a house alight at Greville Place, Kelso. At that time, Senior Firefighter Dave Ball was driving through Kelso on his way to Bathurst Fire Station. He noticed the heavy smoke plume and started driving towards it. Firefighter Ball ended up being the first emergency service officer on scene. The house was already well alight and the occupants had evacuated from the house or been rescued by the neighbours and passers-by. Senior Constable Anthony Bunyan from Bathurst Highway Patrol arrived shortly after Firefighter Ball and, along with some of the neighbours, joined Firefighter Ball in performing CPR on two of the injured children while awaiting the arrival of ambulance personnel. The crews from Kelso and Bathurst arrived, started attacking the fire with hoselines and also assisted with first aid treatment. A total of ten people were treated by ambulance personnel and taken to hospital, where two of the girls remain in a serious condition. The fire was extinguished but the house was totally destroyed. It was a fantastic effort from all involved.