New fire engine for West Tamworth Fire Station

Published: 16th June 2010

Fire and emergency protection for residents and businesses in West Tamworth was boosted today with the handover of a new NSW Fire Brigades (NSWFB) fire engine to firefighters at West Tamworth Fire Station.

Member for Tamworth, Peter Draper MP, today officially handed over the new $348,000, fire engine at a special ceremony.

"This new fire engine will increase our firefighters' capacity to deal with fires, accidents chemical spills and other emergencies," Mr Draper said.

"The vehicle features a high pressure pump capable of delivering 3,000 litres of water per minute for fighting fires, and incorporates a foam system for fighting chemical, petrol and bush fires and reducing water usage."

"The cabin of the vehicle has been increased in size to make it more comfortable for firefighters, and it is fitted with a reversing camera to improve safety.

Mr Draper said firefighters from the West Tamworth Fire Station had responded to 475 emergency calls in 2008/09.

"The West Tamworth Brigade does an extraordinary job in protecting their community, responding to a wide range of incidents together with firefighters from Tamworth Fire Station, and this new pumper will help them do their work even more effectively.

"The State Government's record $972 million 2010/11 emergency services budget included $637 million for the NSWFB, providing $18 million to continue updating its fleet with more than 35 new fire engines and specialised vehicles.

"This is the largest rollout of new and upgraded fire engines in NSWFB history."

NSWFB Superintendent Adam Dewberry, Acting Zone Commander, Regional North 3, said the new truck would help firefighters better protect the West Tamworth population, complementing resources at fire stations across the district.

"Firefighters are now better equipped to protect their community and residents and businesses can feel more confident they are in safe hands."

The 16 retained (on-call) firefighters stationed at West Tamworth responded to more than 470 fire and emergency calls in 2008/09. Fire crews were also actively involved in educating the local community about fire safety - carrying out over 100 community safety activities in the last financial year.