Burst water main threatens road collapse in Kensington. Fire crews kept busy at house fires

Published: 9th June 2010

Fire Brigades crews were kept busy today, attending numerous house fires and a major water leak threatening a road collapse and forcing a road closure. Crews attended a unit fire at Eastwood at 1.30 am, followed by a house fire at Chipping Norton in the afternoon. There was also a house fire in Penrith in the evening, and a boarding house fire in Marrickville. In Newcastle, there was a unit fire in Davistown in the morning. All of these fires were extinguished by fire crews wearing breathing apparatus. Meanwhile, crews were kept busy in Todman Av Kensington when a crack in the road caused damage to a water pipe and gas pipe. The road was blocked as it was in danger of collapse, and gas readings were taken to ensure it was safe for residents to remain in their houses. Fire crews remained on scene for up to 5 hours