Fire Prevention Week reminds residents to help prevent home fires

Published: 2nd May 2010

Minister for Emergency Services Steve Whan today reminded NSW residents that preventing house fires can be as simple as turning off the stove or checking that power points are not overloaded.

The reminder is part of NSW Fire Brigades’ (NSWFB) annual Fire Prevention Week (Sunday 2 May – Saturday 8 May), which raises awareness about home fire safety as the colder months approach.

Mr Whan said that while a house fire can take hold in about the same time it takes to boil an egg, there were plenty of simple things people can do to reduce the risk of a fire in the home this winter.

“Fire Prevention Week shows families how they can help prevent a house fire. A fire can take hold in three minutes, but it only takes a few seconds to move a heater away from curtains or extinguish a candle before you leave a room,” he said

NSWFB Commissioner Greg Mullins said firefighters will be taking the fire prevention message directly to the community throughout Fire Prevention Week, hosting events for high-risk groups, including the elderly, and working with TAFE NSW to reach people from culturally and linguistically diverse groups.

Families can participate in Fire Prevention Week by attending Brigade Kids Day at 157 participating McDonald’s stores on Sunday 2 May, to meet firefighters and receive the free Brigade Kids CD containing fire safety advice, games and songs for children.

Mr Whan also encouraged NSW residents to visit their local NSWFB fire station’s Open Day on Saturday 8 May between 10am-2pm as part of Fire Prevention Week.

“Open Day is a great opportunity to get to know your local firefighters and to see how a fire station operates. Most importantly it provides families with a timely opportunity to learn more about home fire prevention.” 

Fire Prevention Week runs from Sunday 2 May to Saturday 8 May 2010.  Further information on preventing home fires is available at